Resetting Management: Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty by Stéphane J. G. Girod and Martin Králik

This new book by IMD professor Stephane J.G. Girod and research associate Martin Kralik sets out a compelling case for why business agility matters now more than ever, and how we should all adapt accordingly.

Resetting Management: Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty by Stéphane J. G. Girod and Martin Králik

This new book by IMD professor Stephane J.G. Girod and research associate Martin Kralik sets out a compelling case for why business agility matters now more than ever, and how we should all adapt accordingly.

We know that the COVID-19 crisis has amplified and accelerated major shifts in business that were already underway, but the pandemic has also highlighted how ignoring uncertainty is no longer an option. When we look back at the extreme uncertainty brought on by the crisis, some firms were seized with paralysis, while others applied various degrees of agility to ride it out and, in the process, prepare for new growth. 

Chances are you have heard the buzzword ‘agility’ a lot over recent years, but what this book does really well is showing how agility can release a new level of energy, innovation and entrepreneurship that will enable your business to respond to disruption better. Rather than advocate formulaic agile methods, the authors help you on a path to find the right type of agility for your company’s unique circumstances.

To bring the theory to life, the book features case studies from some of the world’s leading companies and illustrating how they have successfully, and less successfully, transformed for greater agility ‘ including Lego, General Electric, LMVH and ING. It all helps show how, with the right tools and skills, you can embrace uncertainty, rather than fear it.

All in all, I found Resetting Management gave a really interesting insight into how to lead a company in an increasingly unpredictable future. For smaller companies and startups, it shows how teams can adapt quickly to renew their competitive advantage, giving some simple tools to help guide you on your journey to build a more agile business.

Resetting Management: Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty by Stephane J. G. Girod and Martin Kralik, published by Kogan Page, is available from Amazon priced from £14.24 

Sally Anne Butters
Sally Anne Butters

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