Power of Play by Paul Pethick

Power of Play by Paul Pethick

Play is for everyone, not just for kids ‘ and this new book, Power of Play, explains how leaders can harness the power of play and power up their business.

All of human creativity and imagination depends on processes, so it’s vital to build a creative and playful company culture that keeps employees creative, engages customers and builds enjoyment in your business even when times get tough. 

Stylishly designed with over 380 full-colour illustrations, the book breaks down why play is so important and how to turn it into your superpower. Play naturally forms into complex games everywhere from the arts to financial markets ‘ and it’s crucial to understand these structures and make space for playfulness and free-thinking across your business to adapt to change. 

The author Paul Pethick is a play and creativity expert who has run large-scale games and creative interactions in places like the V&A Museum and The Barbican, with his consultancy PlayLab. The book draws on his experiences working in creative fields including advertising, design, feature films, music and animation to help business leaders across industries to harness the power of play.

Using extensive research, the book breaks down why play and games are crucial for business success ‘ starting from prehistoric creativity and explaining how we became the game-playing beings we are today. 

Whilst it’s more than just a business book, Power of Play is a great read for any SME owner looking to harness creativity and power up their business. It’s packed with interviews and quotes from a wide variety of influential creators, including  Hollywood’s Joan Sheckel, physicist Richard Feynman, musician Brian Eno, choreographer Twyla Tharp, and inventor Andre Geim, that will make you think, and smile. 

Power of Play: How play and its games shape life by Paul Pethick is out now priced from £7.21 for the Kindle Edition.

Sally Anne Butters
Sally Anne Butters

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