Building and leading a business is hard. Even if you are driven, goal-orientated and aspire to more, it can still sometimes be really difficult to step up to that next level.
Frederique Murphy is a leadership mindset strategist who inspires and equips people to move through extraordinary change. She helps global organisations, including Fortune 500 companies, to tap into the power of their leaders’ minds and drive powerful transformations. She argues that we need to push through our fears and go past our comfort zone and that, while reaching that edge is scary, you can achieve more if you equip yourself with the necessary tools.
In this new book, Lead Beyond the Edge, Frederique Murphy provides readers with the mind strategies needed to rewire your brain for success. You will learn how to conquer challenges and accomplish more. She uses psychology, neuroscience and behavioural change to make how we think and act easy to understand – which becomes a game-changer for how we approach life.
Packed full of actionable, memorable tactics, clear scientific explanations and personal stories, this book offers an experiential way to build a bold path towards your dreams. By applying the solid and scientifically based step-by-step framework, you will learn how to create a series of powerful neural pathways that will enhance your cognitive functions and allow your brain to fire up at your command.
This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to optimise their inner power and maximise their achievements and success in a personal, career or business sense.
Lead Beyond the Edge: the bold path to extraordinary results by Frederique Murphy is out now, published by Practical Inspiration, priced from £9.99 for the Kindle Edition.
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