Every team actually doing business better

by Darren Ashby and Atif Sheikh

Every team actually doing business better

‘Purpose’ has become a common buzzword in recent years, but what does it actually mean to be building a business that is purpose-driven? Is it actually possible to deliver on your commercial goals and contribute positively to society by creating a culture where teams are committed to deliver on that purpose? 

This new book, Every team actually doing business better, is a no-nonsense guide for leaders to affect transformational change to achieve both commercial success and meaningful societal impact. 

Written by the CEO and CIO of businessfourzero, Atif Sheikh and Darren Ashby, this book provides a practical blueprint that any leader can follow to create a golden thread between their strategy, culture and purpose. It draws on real-life case studies of successful (and failed) change initiatives in organisations around the world – including Tesco, EA, TSB, IHG and Aviva – to guide other leaders in using purpose to actually make a meaningful difference.

Readers will find tips and tools, not just for writing the perfect purpose statement but also for shaping a simple and seamless strategy that puts your purpose into action. It unpacks the human-side of leadership to harness the values of each individual in your company to create a deeply committed, high-performing and mission-driven team.

Thoroughly researched, vibrant and easy to digest, this book is essential reading for you whether a CEO of a huge corporation or an entrepreneur leading an SME.

Every team actually doing business better by Atif Sheikh and Darren Ashby is available on Amazon from the end of October priced £10.99.

Sally Anne Butters
Sally Anne Butters

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