How companies are using quizzes to speed up the sales process

Getting someone to buy from you takes work, especially if your product or service is more expensive than other options.

How companies are using quizzes to speed up the sales process

Getting someone to buy from you takes work, especially if your product or service is more expensive than other options.

That’s because building trust with your audience can take time, and it can cost a lot of money to generate sales using paid advertising.

So what’s the solution? 

How can we speed up the sales process and potentially save money at the same time?

Quiz marketing

Quiz marketing is a relatively new concept. It’s where you use a quiz as your main lead-generation tool in order to increase the number of leads you get.

A visitor will land on your website or social media profile and see they can take a quiz to help them solve a particular problem. They then answer a series of questions and get a score at the end, followed by personalised recommendations.

These assessment quizzes can be used in any industry and are a great way to speed up the sales process.

Here’s why they work so well… 

Your audience become more engaged

People who take your quiz or assessment tool are far more engaged with you and your brand. Typical “lead magnets” such as PDFs, reports and whitepapers can often feel dull and impersonal, whereas a quiz is interactive, fun and personalised.

After someone has taken your assessment, they feel more knowledgeable and excited to take action. The next steps are clear. And at this stage, this person is far more engaged with you than they would if they had just received a static PDF. 

It’s much easier to provide value

Quizzes and assessments allow you to provide much more value than other types of content. When you ask questions as part of the quiz, you collect important information that allows you to provide the right advice to the right people. 

Using a quiz results page, you can present dynamic content based on the answers provided. This means if someone scores below 50% on the quiz, they see different recommendations than someone who scores above 50%. This means you can direct your audience to more helpful content relevant to them.

Better product recommendations

Learning more about your audience is an excellent way to make product recommendations to them based on what they need. 

Let’s face it, most shoppers online are confused. There are too many products to choose from, and it takes hours (even days) to research various products before making a buying decision. And even when we make a decision, we sometimes have to return items because they’re not right.

When you use a quiz to help your audience, you can make perfect product recommendations. You may have asked 5-15 questions as part of the quiz, so you already know so much about this person. This should allow you to present the most relevant product and, ultimately, speed up the sales process.

How can you set up a quiz for your business and speed up the sales process?

  1. Find the right quiz software to help create an assessment tool for your potential customers. 
  2. Think of 5-15 questions you can ask to test your audience and find out what they need help with the most
  3. Create a results page that presents valuable advice based on your quiz participants’ answers and score
  4. Make relevant product recommendations in a follow-up email sequence 
  5. If anyone books a sales call following the quiz, review the quiz scores during the call.

After reading this article, you can see why so many business owners are turning to quizzes to improve their sales process.

Try building a quiz for your business and see how easy it is to attract and prequalify potential customers. 

This article comes courtesy of ScoreApp making quiz funnel marketing easy, so you can attract relevant warm leads, insightful data and increase your sales.

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