Ten ways to build your personal brand

Ten ways to build your personal brand

Dan Gable
May 29 '24
By cultivating an authentic image and providing valuable insights, you can create loyal followings that support your initiatives
Turning leads into sales

Turning leads into sales

Sabrina Stocker
Aug 15 '23
Sabrina Stocker of Two Comma PR offers advice on that all-important process of converting client-interest into business
Unleashing the power of marketing: Boosting ROI and effectiveness

Unleashing the power of marketing: Boosting ROI and effectiveness

Lisa Eaton
Jul 12 '23
As a small business or start-up, you will face unique marketing challenges. Budget constraints, establishing yourself in your market, and creating memorable content to name just a few.
Developing a positive brand identity

Developing a positive brand identity

Sabrina Stocker
Jun 13 '23
PR guru Sabrina Stocker explains the importance of standing out from the crowd
How AI is starting to influence public relations and marketing

How AI is starting to influence public relations and marketing

Sabrina Stocker
May 17 '23
Sabrina Stocker gives the lowdown on the increasing power of artificial intelligence in business.

Announcing Britain’s top performing SME businesses

Sophie Milliken MBE
Jan 30 '23
The wait is finally over. We’re delighted to announce the top 100 SME businesses in the UK following a rigorous judging process by leading industry professionals.
Why it’s so important your brand has a media kit

Why it’s so important your brand has a media kit

Sabrina Stocker
Oct 25 '22
Media kits are a simple yet powerful tool your business can use to its benefit in today’s digital age. It allows you to present yourself how you want to be seen and featured by media outlets.

What does a public relations budget look like?

Sabrina Stocker
Sep 21 '22
When budgeting for a company’s growth, public relations can often fall by the wayside. Today’s culture dictates swathes of money should be thrown vaguely at digital marketing, letting social media algorithms decide the future of your business.
Contagious content

Contagious content

Dan Gable
May 7 '21
The economic and social disruption caused by the Global Pandemic is clearly devastating.
5 things you can do now to avoid a January slump

5 things you can do now to avoid a January slump

Jordan Baker
Dec 18 '19
2019 so far has been a worrisome year with many small businesses feeling the effects of a tough trading period.
Metro Bank reassures people that their money is safe after false rumour on WhatsApp caused panic

Metro Bank reassures people that their money is safe after false rumour on WhatsApp caused panic

Varsha Saraogi
May 14 '19
Rumours of Metro Bank facing financial difficulties drove its customers to remove their money and valuables. But the bank reassured them their money is safe
The Christmas adverts that failed to spread festive cheer among viewers

The Christmas adverts that failed to spread festive cheer among viewers

Abbie Jukes
Dec 11 '18
Rather than producing profit for companies at the busiest time of the year, these Christmas adverts instead faced public backlash