Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World

Future Skills is the new book from best-selling author and futurist, Bernard Marr, having recently been selected as the winner of the Business Book of the Year prize at the Business Book Awards.

Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World

This time, Marr offers a practical approach to the ever-changing digital work-scape and offers us top tips on how we can avoid being left behind.

The book offers an engaging and insightful discussion into how employers and employees can address the digital skills gap and succeed in a technology-led workplace. From creativity to data analysis, cyber threat awareness to cultural intelligence, Future Skills explores the uniquely human competencies that simply can’t be replaced by technology and outlines how to build the skillset of tomorrow, today.

Addressing the ways in which new technologies are revolutionising and reshaping the world of work, Bernard Marr offers us practical advice on how to make better decisions and adapt to new ways of working, tackling themes such as life-long learning, collaboration, communication and creativity, to bolster our human portfolio and establish a competitive edge.

He may be known as one of the world’s leading experts in topics such as artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain, but Bernard Marr’s new book includes strategies for improving human-centred skills, like teamwork and collaboration. It gives straightforward explanations of digital skills, as well as expert advice on how to make yourself an indispensable component of your business, with practical tips for continuous improvement once you get there.

With a human response to the digital era, Marr’s work also deals with contemporary issues such as work-life balance, procrastination and time management, and dealing with uncertainty in the workplace during periods of technological or organisational change.

A must read for small business owners and employees alike, Future Skills is an essential one- stop guide to future proofing our careers and thriving in the digital workplace.

Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World by Bernard Marr is out now, published by Wiley, priced £14.95

Sally Anne Butters
Sally Anne Butters

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