Why motherhood enhances the world of business

Angela de Souza discusses the benefits which motherhood brings to both the individual and workplace culture in general

Why motherhood enhances the world of business

For many people, motherhood is often perceived as being a setback for a women’s career. However, I believe it has the potential to significantly enrich both personal and professional skill sets. 

Taking a pause to give birth should be viewed as a positive experience, as many diverse skills are acquired during this period. In this article, I explore how motherhood can serve as a catalyst for obtaining valuable skills which can enhance a person’s career.

Ella Fabregat, the Associate Head of Commercial PR at Knight Frank, told me this: ‘For me, it was never a question of not going back to work. While I need to pay the bills, I also need it for myself and it took maternity leave for me to realise this. 

‘I would also like my daughter to grow up seeing a mother who’s carving a place for herself in the world of work. And together with my husband, we are balancing work with family and home demands.’

As for skills acquired or sharpened during the early years of motherhood, here are a few to consider:


Motherhood demands multitasking abilities. Balancing childcare, household management and personal commitments fosters a level of multitasking mastery that is unmatched. This skill seamlessly translates into the professional realm, where managing tasks effectively is a highly sought after attribute.

Time management 

Mothers become experts in time management out of sheer necessity. Juggling a myriad of responsibilities develops an acute awareness of time constraints. This focuses the mind on prioritising tasks effectively. This skill is invaluable in the workplace, where meeting deadlines and managing time are crucial for success.

Adaptability and flexibility

Parenting is synonymous with unpredictability. Mothers learn to adapt to unexpected situations, while navigating uncertainties with grace. This adaptability is a prized quality in the professional world, where industries are constantly evolving. The ability to embrace change is the key to thriving in dynamic environments.


Motherhood requires effective communication with children, family members and various stakeholders. This will help to hone interpersonal skills, making mothers adept at conveying ideas clearly and concisely. Strong communication skills are a cornerstone of successful professional relationships and leadership.

Emotional intelligence 

Motherhood cultivates high levels of emotional intelligence as mothers navigate the emotional needs of their children. This is part of managing household dynamics. This emotional intelligence is transferable to the workplace, enhancing a person’s ability to understand the emotions and experiences of colleagues, clients and team members.

Problem solving

Mothers become natural problem solvers. This can be the resolving of conflicts among siblings, to finding creative solutions for unexpected parenting challenges. As a result, mothers develop keen problem-solving abilities. These skills are invaluable in the workplace, where the ability to analyse situations and devise effective solutions is highly prized.

Leadership and decision-making 

Running a household, and the raising of children, involves leadership and decision-making. Mothers become adept at making crucial decisions, and especially when they are often under pressure. These leadership skills are directly applicable to professional settings, enabling mothers to take on leadership roles with confidence.

Resilience and perseverance

Motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs, requiring resilience and perseverance. Mothers develop a profound ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere through challenges. This resilience is a powerful asset in the workplace, where setbacks are inevitable. The ability to navigate through such issues is the key to long-term success.

Instead of viewing motherhood as a temporary detour from a person’s career, it is crucial to recognise this period as being a transformative phase in someone’s life. It equips individuals with a rich array of skills. Integrating these skills into the professional sphere can elevate a woman’s career trajectory. 

Employers are increasingly recognising the value of diverse skill sets gained through life experiences, such as motherhood. By embracing and highlighting these skills it will not only enhance careers but also contribute to the reshaping of workplace cultures.

The workplace will subsequently be more inclusive and appreciative of the diverse strengths which mothers bring to the table. In addition to individual empowerment, regarding skills acquired during motherhood, there is a growing acknowledgment in corporate circles of the need to support working mothers. 

For example, Goldman Sachs provides onsite childcare at its New York headquarters. Similarly, the Women’s Business Club has taken a proactive step by launching ‘Coffee & Co-working for Mums’. This fosters an environment where mothers can engage in business networking without compromising family priorities. 

These initiatives not only reflect a changing landscape but also signify a progressive shift towards more inclusive family-friendly workplaces. It’s not only about individual growth but also about creating a supportive ecosystem which values and uplifts the contributions of working mothers.

Angela De Souza
Angela De Souza

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