Are you stuck on the content creation hamster wheel?

Creating content can feel like an endless cycle. You're giving it your all, trying to be everywhere at once, mastering every content format.

Are you stuck on the content creation hamster wheel?

Creating content can feel like an endless cycle. You’re giving it your all, trying to be everywhere at once, mastering every content format. It’s exhausting, and it’s no wonder that 79% of creators face burnout at various stages of their journey.

Thankfully, technology is advancing, and Gen AI tools can provide incredible support, especially for solo content creators who juggle multiple roles. Instead of trying to handle everything yourself, you can delegate many time-consuming tasks to AI without compromising the quality and authenticity of your content. This means less stress, more mental space for genuine creativity, and a way to step off the burnout treadmill.

In this article, I aim to introduce you to a variety of AI tools and applications that can save you time and potentially multiply your business growth by tenfold. 

Types of content you can generate with AI

Ready to break free from that rut? Let’s explore three types of content you can generate with AI.

Landing pages

High-converting landing pages are crucial for strong marketing campaigns but creating them requires skill and time. Many creative entrepreneurs dislike sales tasks and would rather focus on creating, researching, or collaborating. Unfortunately, landing pages are necessary for selling your products or services. Professional copywriters can charge anywhere from £500 to £5,000 for a single landing page, which isn’t affordable for every creator. Turning to AI is a smart approach. Use these prompts to write a landing page with AI:

“Act as a professional copywriter. Write a compelling landing page for [describe your product/service]. The target audience is [define your audience] and focus on [main benefits]. The goal is to [explain the desired call to action].”

“You are an experienced [define the role, e.g., relationship coach]. Create a persuasive landing page for your [describe a product/service] that [problem it solves] for [target audience].”

You can customise further by adding specific instructions, such as:

  • “Create 5 versions of a catchy headline.”
  • “Include a unique selling proposition [describe your USP], key benefits [list benefits], and a section with social proof [provide user reviews].”
  • “Give me 3 variations for a CTA.”

Tip: Show your AI examples of high-performing landing pages you like. AI can analyse the structure, persuasive tactics, tone of voice, and layout to use these insights for its creations.

Blog articles 

This is perhaps the most popular AI content-related use case at present. Over 300 AI writing generators are available, many designed for long-form content such as blog posts. Publishing blog articles helps share knowledge, promote products, build authority in your niche, and connect with your audience. 

Writing them from scratch is time-consuming. AI can assist with brainstorming titles, creating outlines, and generating entire articles. For specific recommendations, Koala Writer is currently the best AI article generator. For a hands-on approach, I use Google’s Gemini Advanced.

Tip: Give AI one of your existing articles to analyse so it can write content in your style.


AI-powered image generation has revolutionised how we source and create visual content. From product listings and marketing materials to personal photos, AI tools can visualise almost anything. New image tools and AI use cases emerge on a weekly basis, offering endless possibilities. Here are some ideas for visual content you can generate:

Product Photography: AI image generators can render products in various settings with studio-quality lighting and different backgrounds. You can take a quick picture of a product, and AI will create professional-looking photos for your online store or social media campaigns. 

Professional headshots: This technology offers a powerful way to personalise your online presence without constant expensive photoshoots. Think about the creative pics you can create for your socials! If you haven’t started using AI for personal branding, now is the time.

Wider imagery: Stock photos often fail to meet your specific needs, and overused images can make a brand seem inauthentic. AI image generators can create the exact images you need, making your content unique. I use Midjourney, the best tool in 2024, to create multiple images in the same style for blog posts or socials.

Embrace AI to transform your content creation process, reduce burnout, and unlock new creative possibilities.

Andrew Gradon
Andrew Gradon

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