How to create marketing strategies that are memorable and disruptive

Your marketing needs to capture the attention of potential customers in a crowded marketplace. In today's world, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertising messages.

How to create marketing strategies that are memorable and disruptive

Your marketing needs to capture the attention of potential customers in a crowded marketplace. In today’s world, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertising messages.

It has become increasingly difficult for businesses to cut through the noise and stand out. Creating marketing strategies that are memorable and disruptive is essential to grab the attention of your intended audience, make a lasting impression, and set your brand apart from its competitors.

A memorable and disruptive marketing strategy will help your brand to stay top-of-mind with your audience. It will build brand recognition and loyalty. It’ll also get people talking, as word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful driver of brand awareness, sales, and business growth.

Brands to learn from 

We can all learn from well-known household brands and their campaigns. Take Burger King’s ‘Whopper Detour’ campaign as an example; they were among the first to go up against a major competitor. They offered customers a Whopper for one cent when they ordered it through the Burger King app while inside a McDonald’s location. 

Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ campaign is another great example. They consistently challenge traditional beauty standards by featuring real women of all shapes and sizes in their advertising. Dove has built on this and recently released an amazing ad campaign around the harm social media is causing to young people. It’s raw, powerful, hard-hitting and has certainly had people talking. 

Creating a memorable and disruptive marketing strategy like these brands requires careful planning and strong execution. Here are seven steps you can take to develop a strategy that delivers stand-out marketing results. 

Step one: Set clear goals and objectives

Determine what you want to achieve with your marketing strategy and set clear goals and objectives. This will help you allocate resources in the areas that will have the most impact and measure the success of your efforts. 

Step two: Conduct market research

Market research will help you better understand your target audience, your competition, and broader market trends. It provides valuable insights to use to inform your marketing strategy.

Step three: Define your target audience or ideal personas

It’s essential to identify your target audience and get to know them on a deep level. Then, you can tailor your message to their specific needs, preferences, and interests.

Step four: Develop a unique value proposition

A unique and memorable value proposition sets you apart from competitors and aligns your business with your ideal customers’ values. 

Step five: Create a channel strategy

Understand the channels where your ideal audience spends their time. Focus your efforts in these places. 

Step six: Create memorable and engaging content 

Be creative and think outside the box to ensure your content stands out, attracts the attention of your ideal buyer, and makes them act. 

Step seven: Measure and adjust

Continuously measure the success of your marketing strategy and make adjustments as needed to optimise your efforts and achieve the best results possible.

Measuring the success of your marketing strategy

Now that you’ve created your strategy, which metrics should you use to measure its success? 

Brand awareness: Monitor your brand’s visibility and recognition in the market before and after the launch of your marketing efforts by market share, share of voice, SEO rankings and brand mentions. 

Engagement: Look at how your target audience engages with your marketing campaign through insights and statistics – for example, website visits or social media engagements.

Sales: Track how your marketing efforts are impacting your bottom line by measuring changes in sales volume, revenue, and customer acquisition costs.

Customer loyalty: Assess how your marketing is impacting customer loyalty, satisfaction, experience, and retention.

Media coverage: Evaluate how much media coverage your marketing generates and what kind of buzz it’s creating in the market.

Return on investment: Calculate the return on investment of your marketing by comparing the costs of the campaign to the revenue generated from the sales that resulted from it.

Step up to the challenge 

While creating a disruptive marketing strategy is a great idea and can have a huge impact, it can also be challenging to get right. There are a few common mistakes to avoid, including focusing too much on the disruption, neglecting market research, targeting the wrong audience, ignoring the data, and forgetting about the customer experience. 

But follow my steps, and you can create effective strategies that deliver stand-out marketing results, generate buzz, and drive growth for your business. 

Lisa Eaton
Lisa Eaton

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