When Grit is not what you need

I wrote recently about how essential a personality trait it was to have 'Grit' in business; overriding passion in many ways because 'a wish' to achieve something can so often leave you short of your goals when obstacles come your way.

When Grit is not what you need

This Grit, of course, is not just a useful attitude in business. Obstacles can come thick and fast in life whether or not it relates to your commercial enterprise. It makes sense that sometimes, we have to knuckle down, take a strong intake of breath and just keep walking forward until the challenges of that period are behind us.  This is not a new way of thinking – hasn’t it been drummed into us from the earliest moment we can remember? We shouldn’t give up, we have to be strong against adversity and so on… but what if sometimes, in specific instances, in trying to follow a strategy that leads to that overall mission, we should give up and change direction?

Of course, I am not advocating walking away when the going gets tough…not at all. What I am suggesting is that sometimes, the head down and stubbornly stomping forward approach on a particular strategy within achieving that overall goal, could be causing damage to achieving your ultimate goal. Perhaps your determination, your tunnel vision is stopping you from seeing WHY you are not succeeding in this strategy / angle of approach? Would it be better to stop, take some time to reassess and just be certain that your angle of approach is the right one?

Relentless and dogged determination is easy to respect but does not guarantee your success if not accompanied by the right strategy. Perhaps sometimes, we have to pull back, reassess and reflect for even longer than we are comfortable with to allow some clear thought and consideration for whether we are on the right path to our chosen overall goal and mission.

Dr. Grace Olugbodi
Dr. Grace Olugbodi

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