Talent and Regulation: How can you support employees in a post-pandemic world? How feasible is it to hire talent across the world?

Sherry Coutu CBE, non-executive Director of Pearson plc, Naveed Malik, Regional Director, EMEA and Channel Partnerships at Monday.com, and Andy Wilson, Director of New Product Solutions at Dropbox, spoke on the first day of Elite Business Live

Talent and Regulation: How can you support employees in a post-pandemic world? How feasible is it to hire talent across the world?

Sherry Coutu CBE, non-executive Director of Pearson plc, Naveed Malik, Regional Director, EMEA and Channel Partnerships at Monday.com, and Andy Wilson, Director of New Product Solutions at Dropbox, spoke on the first day of Elite Business Live on 10 March for the Talent and Regulations panel, speaking about how to attract talent in a post-pandemic world, and tips on supporting staff moving forward. 

When it comes to attracting talent, the world is your oyster. In a post-pandemic world, talent knows no borders with many companies choosing to expand their talent pool on a global scale, rather than being limited by geographical location. Andy Wilson believes in attracting the best talent ‘ and that there should be no limits on where skilled employees are recruited. In terms of talent that we’re attracting, we’re looking for talent anywhere, he said. We believe that we can then hire the best talent in the world to help us build the best products in the world. And that’s part of our talent strategy. I’ve been hiring talent all across the US and Europe to build the future of Dropbox, which is amazing. 

He continued: It brings definite equity to it, previously a lot of the companies were always looking around their headquarters where they can find the best talent that’s nearest to them that is commutable. A lot of us would have felt that in our careers before the pandemic, but now actually the best talent is the best talent, and we want to attract it. 

Employers need to make sure their staff receive the latest training and are up to date with their skill set to facilitate their growth within an organisation. With a rise in remote working, how can companies ensure their employees around the world access learning and development opportunities? Naveed Malik explained: I’m very intentional about personal development and I make a point of making sure individuals in my team and extended members of the team use all of the tools made available to them. 

There are some superb tools that we make available as an organisation, there’s a huge amount of knowledge out there and I think it’s incumbent on the employer as we do on Monday.com to distil the essence of what’s important for us right now on our business journey, how can we make that content relevant to our employees, how can they access that easily and how can they continue to develop and take that knowledge further. 

With a rise in remote working, it is important to facilitate younger workers who are just starting and developing their careers within an organisation. There can be an inherent mismatch between whether employees prefer working from home or in an office. Younger employees generally prefer a social aspect to their working life and networking, versus older employees who may tend to prefer home-working, because of family commitments. It is important to coordinate both fresh employees and more experienced workers who can mentor them during their career journey. “We see young people who are hungry for interaction and learning all the time, Sherry said. The trick is making sure people who have that knowledge choose to come into the office alongside the millennials who are working on something and feel deep uncertainty often because they’re not yet confident. 

We have seen a mismatch so I think coordination at a more experienced level and making sure someone is there to be able to help people learn as fast as they want to learn which is what happens in an office, or on Zoom. But I have yes utility for real physical offices, often I love our meetings on Zoom we got people dialling in from Paraguay, Switzerland or India in the middle of the day and that is amazing.

Latifa Yedroudj
Latifa Yedroudj

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