Improve your fitness and health by understanding your DNA

Our DNA is what defines us. With DNA tests becoming all the rage, how do our genetics really play a part in our daily life?

Improve your fitness and health by understanding your DNA

your fitness and health by understanding your DNA

Our DNA is what defines us. With DNA tests becoming all the rage, how do our genetics really play a part in our daily life? Now, UK’s leading genetic wellbeing company DNAFit are matching people’s genetics to specific nutrition and exercise plans, maximising fitness results and improving health in the long-run.

Founded in 2015, DNAFit has taken the health industry by storm, creating bespoke fitness and nutrition plans specifically tailored to people’s DNA.

Developed by Olympians, each test delivers results on 25 areas of nutrition, fitness, sleep and stress. Through this, DNAFit can help people understand more about their bodies, encouraging them to make small lifestyle changes and tackle the effects of preventable diseases earlier on.

“Over the years of gaining weight, trying different exercise routines and ‘falling off the wagon’, coupled with a burning desire to keep up the energy and momentum that’s needed to start another business, I felt that life sciences must play a role in defining optimal outcomes in how I feel and in how I could achieve sustained results,” Avi Lasarow, founder of DNAFit said. “I always worked closely to seek out new medical technology and was certain that DNA was the answer. I discovered that nobody had gone to market with a compelling proposition and developed DNAfit as a result. I achieved great results (later scientifically proven) and wanted to help others do the same and contribute to a better healthier nation as a direct outcome of launching the company.”

DNAFit has since won not one but two Queen’s Award for innovation for their revolutionary approach to DNA testing. Through a series of various tests, DNAFit found people had different results when training in high and low rep ranges. And that those who trained with their genetics had a “three-fold better performance increase”. Another study conducted by DNAFit also found that when subjects matched their diet to their genetics, they had a significant “improvement in weight loss” over a two-year period. Through this, researchers found that each person’s body responds differently to various nutrition and training regimes, so by creating bespoke plans, customers can get the most out of their workout and diet programmes.

Since 2013, DNAFit have helped more than 50,000 understand their genetics and make better decisions around their health and nutrition, ranging from everyday gym goers to professional sportspeople, including Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford, who has become one of DNAFit’s ambassadors.

“As a company, we offer a full user experience, not just a DNA test. Our clients are able to take the test, have numerous free consultations with degree qualified dieticians and sports scientists (to bring results to life) and then gain access to our fitness platform that based its exercise guidance on your personal DNA profile,” Mr Lasarow added.

Through continuous research by Scientific Advisory Board, DNAFit puts you in charge of your health, ensuring individuals reach their goals. Customers can receive three different types of reports: nutrition, fitness, report and well-being.

Explaining the tests, Mr Lasarow said: “In the nutrition report, people can learn about their response to different types of food, any intolerances and sensitivities, and whether they have a raised need for any vitamins.

“In the fitness part of the report, people can learn about how their muscle response to strength and endurance training, how they recover from exercise, whether they have a high risk of injury and how trainable their aerobic capacity.

“In the well-being, part of the port people can learn about the stress tolerance, whether they’re a morning lark or night owl, if caffeine disturbs their sleep, whether they’re a deep sleeper and if they are a warrior or a strategist! Warriors prefer to work in high-pressure environments whereas strategists prefer planned environments.

“All of these results are based on the variations of certain genes that you have, and often, how several genes interact.”

Even former England football captain Rio Ferdinand has joined DNAFit as Head Advisor of its Health, Wellness and Sports Advisory Board, using his passion for fitness and wellness to help others understand their genetics and prevent the onset of common diseases.

Everyone’s genetics are different. One can help improve their health and lifestyle through in depth research, helping them understand how their body works – right down to their DNA.

Latifa Yedroudj
Latifa Yedroudj

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