Supercharging your accounting practice: A practical guide to growth

Whether you're looking to take your established business to the next level or explore new avenues for growth, here are some ideas to point you in the right direction.

Whether you're looking to take your established business to the next level or explore new avenues for growth, here are some ideas to point you in the right direction.

Growing your accounting practice can be an exciting journey, full of opportunities to expand your client base, diversify services and build a solid reputation. However, it can also be lonely and frustrating at times. So, whether you’re looking to take your established business to the next level or explore new avenues for growth, here are some ideas to point you in the right direction!

Expanding your client base

Networking and building partnerships

To grow your practice, expanding your client base is crucial. Networking is a powerful tool for meeting potential clients and collaborators. Focus on local business events like Chamber of Commerce meetups, where you’re more likely to connect with business owners in need of your services.

Offering free initial consultations can also be a smart way to showcase your expertise and give potential clients a risk-free opportunity to experience your value. It’s a great way to demonstrate why you’re the right choice for their accounting needs.

If you can, why not form partnerships with other local businesses, especially those in complementary fields like law,. Such collaborations often lead to cross-referral opportunities, providing a steady stream of new clients.

Marketing and online presence

Investing in marketing is essential for business growth. Consider working with a small marketing agency or freelancers to develop a comprehensive ‘go to market’ plan. This might include enhancing your website’s usability or managing your social media presence. A strong presence on Linkedin and often Facebook is essential.

And remember – a professional, informative website that clearly outlines your services and starting prices is still key to attracting clients. Transparency and clarity will make a significant difference to the number of enquiries you get and their quality.  You’ll be surprised how few websites actually do this.

Attracting new clients

Leveraging digital channels

A strong online presence can set your practice apart from the competition. Utilise social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to share valuable insights and establish your authority in the field. LinkedIn is particularly effective for professional networking and building your reputation, but other platforms can also be useful, especially if your target market has a strong presence there (Fashion and Instagram for example)

Other ideas: Hosting webinars and creating videos can further establish your position as an industry expert. These formats allow you to communicate complex accounting concepts in a straightforward manner, making your services much more approachable, and therefore easier to buy. Additionally, special deals or partnerships, particularly for startups, can help attract new clients with growth potential (partnering with banks like Mettle or Startling for example).

Setting the right fees

Strategic pricing

Setting the right fees is vital throughout your firm’s growth journey. Research what your competitors are charging, but don’t just aim to be the cheapest. Focus on the unique value you provide, whether it’s specialised expertise, personalised service or advanced technology. 

You might also consider offering introductory rates, like a complimentary initial assessment or cost-price licence fees, to attract new clients. Always ensure your pricing structure is transparent, clearly separating licence fees and service fees.

Ensuring steady income

Subscription services and diversification

Many accountants are now offering subscription-based services. Monthly packages for bookkeeping, financial reporting, and other ongoing services can provide a reliable income stream and add value for your clients. Once you are providing these services to clients you are well placed to spot other, including advisory, opportunities and you are already a trusted provider, which should improve conversion rates.

Diversifying your service offerings can also lead to growth. If you’re not specialised in areas like tax preparation or financial planning, partnering with other experts can expand your practice’s capabilities. This way, you can offer a wider range of services without overextending yourself.

Maximising referrals

Exceptional service and referral incentives

Exceptional service is the cornerstone of a successful referral program. By consistently exceeding client expectations, you’ll naturally encourage them to recommend your services. Make it easy for them by asking for testimonials and reviews on platforms like Trustpilot and Google. Positive feedback can significantly influence potential clients.

Also don’t hesitate to ask your satisfied clients for referrals. Many business owners have networks that could use your services. To sweeten the deal, consider implementing a referral program with incentives, such as discounts on future services or other rewards.

In short: Growing your accounting practice is about strategic planning and execution. By focusing on expanding your client base, optimising your pricing, ensuring steady income, and leveraging referrals, you can take your business to new heights. Remember, the key to growth is not just offering great services but also continuously providing value and building strong, lasting relationships with your clients.

When you do that, success is sure to follow.

Phil Hobden
Phil Hobden

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