Tina Woods
Tina Woods
Tina Woods is a mission-driven social entrepreneur and system architect bringing diverse stakeholders together in shared endeavours to improve and level up health, working at the cross-section of science, technology, investment and policy/government. 
She is Co-Founder and CEO of Business for Health, a business-led social venture developing a Business Framework for Health including metrics and methodologies to help employers, businesses and investors enhance and level up health, bringing in ‘Health’ into ‘ESG’ mandates to support long-term sustainable innovation and investment in preventative health and care.  
Businesses should consider flexible working to retain and attract talent

Businesses should consider flexible working to retain and attract talent

Tina Woods
Jul 7 '23
The rising number of people leaving the workforce on account of poor health highlight the urgent need for businesses to adapt their work practices to nurture the happiness and productivity of their workforce
An investment in health is a recipe for wealth

An investment in health is a recipe for wealth

Tina Woods
Dec 21 '22
– the UK’s future economic growth is at threat without a healthy workforce