Sophie Baron
Sophie Baron
Sophie Baron is the Founder of UK based parent/baby digital start-up Mamamade; a fast growing direct-to-consumer business supporting parents with modern childcare products and services that improve health outcomes, normalise taboos, and increase happiness. Originally from New York, Sophie ventured to the UK to undertake a PhD before becoming Head of Operations at a fast-track tech company. In 2017, she gave birth to her first daughter and after six months, began to juggle the return to work with caring for her baby. By 2019 Mamamade had progressed beyond being a side-hustle' and is now the fastest-growing baby food subscription company in the UK.
Why business owners need to step back sometimes

Why business owners need to step back sometimes

Sophie Baron
May 2 '22
Any business owner will relate to those early days of starting out – just you, your laptop, coffee on tap, your hopes, your fears, your dreams.
Four day week: Why it should be the new normal

Four day week: Why it should be the new normal

Sophie Baron
Mar 18 '22
Switching off - the ultimate challenge for a small business owner

Switching off – the ultimate challenge for a small business owner

Sophie Baron
Feb 4 '22