Simon England
Simon England
Simon has been with Equals Money since 2009, helping the business successfully transition from being a cards-based B2C company, to a payments and expenses focused B2B one. As Managing Director of Digital Payments, Simon oversees the processes for the full range of money management solutions offered by Equals Money.
Three things small businesses aren’t getting from the banks – and where they can find them

Three things small businesses aren’t getting from the banks – and where they can find them

Simon England
Nov 7 '22
In the world of small business, banks are seen as an indispensable resource. A 2020 survey from Statista found that 99% of SMEs are currently working with a bank or a building society.

Navigating financial uncertainty: top riskxs for SMEs and how to avoid them

Simon England
Sep 2 '22
Often at a disadvantage due to their smaller market shares and capital pools, SMEs are particularly exposed to the barrage of crises currently affecting the UK economy.
Three key cost considerations for SMEs expanding overseas

Three key cost considerations for SMEs expanding overseas

Simon England
Jun 1 '22
Despite the global economic disruption that coronavirus has brought and fraught international trading conditions following Brexit, there is no shortage of British companies interested in growing and diversifying by establishing operations in new territories overseas.
How the cost-of-living crisis could impact SMEs – and what they can do about it

How the cost-of-living crisis could impact SMEs – and what they can do about it

Simon England
May 10 '22
Government data shows that 589,168 UK businesses reported significant financial distress during the last quarter of 2021, a 5% rise over the previous quarter.
What could a cashless future mean for your business?

What could a cashless future mean for your business?

Simon England
Mar 16 '22
Why spend analysis should be an SME’s top new year’s resolution

Why spend analysis should be an SME’s top new year’s resolution

Simon England
Feb 17 '22