Simon Dolan
Simon Dolan
Simon Dolan is a campaigner and businessman who owns or part-owns 10 UK businesses including Jota Aviation and Jota Sport employing 600 people. Earlier this year Simon issued legal proceedings against the government. He is about to reignite his lockdown battle with the Government by launching an appeal against the decision denying him permission to bring a Judicial Review over the measures. Simon is also founder of The Keep Britain Free campaign, a new movement representing the millions of people who believe in personal freedom.
Government willing to reintroduce covid restrictions - A threat to business freedom

Government willing to reintroduce covid restrictions – A threat to business freedom

Simon Dolan
Aug 8 '22
Political commentator, serial entrepreneur and Founder of the Keep Britain Free movement, Simon Dolan, spoke to Elite Business about the potential reintroduction of coronavirus restrictions, and what this could mean for our personal and business freedoms.
Two years since lockdown – Why I will spend this week mourning the financial ruin of a generation

Two years since lockdown – Why I will spend this week mourning the financial ruin of a generation

Simon Dolan
Apr 1 '22
The 5-day isolation period will still decimate businesses - it must be scrapped once and for all

The 5-day isolation period will still decimate businesses – it must be scrapped once and for all

Simon Dolan
Jan 31 '22
'Pingdemic': Is 'Freedom Day' just a pathetic PR ploy?

‘Pingdemic’: Is ‘Freedom Day’ just a pathetic PR ploy?

Simon Dolan
Jul 27 '21
Last Monday saw ‘Freedom Day’ arriving in England, bringing with it a theoretical end to most restrictions on social contact. In reality, ‘Freedom Day’ was nothing of the sort.
Crippling interest rates loom: Why we need to write off business loans for SMEs

Crippling interest rates loom: Why we need to write off business loans for SMEs

Simon Dolan
Feb 16 '21
UK businesses are hanging by the skin of their teeth. Just last week the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) reported that at least 250,000 small businesses will collapse in 2021 unless more support is offered to them under the current restrictions.
New COVID insolvency legislation will cripple suppliers and SMES

New COVID insolvency legislation will cripple suppliers and SMES

Simon Dolan
Aug 10 '20
When I first began legal proceedings against the Government over the introduction of lockdown, the last thing I thought I would be talking about is the changes to the Insolvency Act