Sid Madge
Sid Madge
Sid Madge is founder of Meee (My Education Employment Enterprise) which draws on the best creativity and thinking from the worlds of branding, psychology, neuroscience, education and sociology, to help people achieve extraordinary lives. To date, Meee has transformed the lives of over 20,000 people, from leaders of PLC's and SME's to parents, teachers, students, carers, the unemployed and prison inmates. Sid Madge is also author of the Meee in Minute' series of books which each offer 60 ways to change your life, work-, or family-life in 60 seconds.
Five ways to re-connect and plug back into life

Five ways to re-connect and plug back into life

Sid Madge
Mar 17 '22
Using Christmas to starting making changes for 2021

Using Christmas to starting making changes for 2021

Sid Madge
Dec 24 '20
With everything we are still going through we know that Christmas 2020 will not be a rerun of previous years.