Sally Percy
Sally Percy
Sally Percy is an experienced business journalist and editor, specialising in leadership and management. She is editor of ‘Edge’, the official journal of the UK’s Institute of Leadership, and a leadership contributor to During her career, Sally has written for numerous publications and also works as a commercial copywriter, speechwriter and ghostwriter, creating thought leadership content for well-known business leaders. She is author of ‘21st Century Business Icons: The Leaders Who Are Changing our World’ (Kogan Page).
Why you should spend more time on your business’s front line

Want to be a better leader? Why you should spend more time on your business’s front line

Sally Percy
Sep 8 '23
Japan has a management term called ‘Genchi Genbutsu’, which can be translated as ‘Go and see for yourself’. The philosophy behind Genchi Genbutsu is that when a problem arises within a business, leaders should go and see the location of the actual problem, so they can address it quickly and efficiently