Roei Samuel
Roei Samuel is a successful serial entrepreneur. In 2014, aged 23, he launched one of the world's most successful eSports platforms, RealSport, which he scaled to 9.5million monthly users and took to a full multi-million-pound acquisition by Gfinity in 2018. After exiting from his start-up Roei began angel investing, and the same frustrations he felt as a founder were true as an investor. The startup ecosystem game felt rigged against giving everyone equality and a level playing field. Currently, only 9% of early-stage funding goes to businesses with a female founder and only 35% is invested into businesses outside of the London and South East bubble. This gave Roei inspiration for his next venture. In 2020 he launched Connectd a smart-matching platform that connects start-ups with relevant investors and NEDs. This matchmaking subscription service removes any class, race and location bias. It is growing 20% month-on-month and has already enabled hundreds of start-ups across the whole of the UK to accelerate commercial opportunities and get access to NED talent.