Richard Horwell
Richard Horwell
Richard Horwell is the owner of Brand Relations, a specialist food and drink marketing and branding company based in London. Over the last 13 years, Brand Relations has been behind the launch and development of over 100 brands in the UK. Richard has also built up and sold companies of his own in the Food and Beverage sector. He has over 30 years' experience in marketing FMCG brands around the world, having lived and worked in the UK, USA, Australia and the Middle East.
Voluntary nutritional labelling for alcoholic beverages: Good but not good enough

Voluntary nutritional labelling for alcoholic beverages: Good but not good enough

Richard Horwell
Dec 2 '21
I am delighted to hear the recent news about the launch (on Dec 1st) of a new voluntary e-label scheme developed by CEEV and SpiritsEUROPE.