Richard Hilsley
Richard Hilsley
MD, Mindera Richard has a long established history in technology, from start ups through to blue chip corporates, and over 25 years’ of wide ranging industry experience in sectors including ecommerce, retail, financial services, travel and gaming. A firm believer in the power of technology to improve people’s lives, Richard has a passion for driving change through technology strategy and organisational transformation. Previously Chief Technology Officer at a client of Mindera’s, Richard has a unique perspective on what is important to CTOs and CIOs. He understands how to make the biggest difference with the right technology solutions and ultimately how transformational change needs to be collaborative and not disruptive. Richard joined the company three years ago to lead Consulting and Client Services, helping to scale Mindera and ensuring it evolves in line with the ever changing needs of this fast moving industry.
Why people and pilots promote optimum conditions for agile

Why people and pilots promote optimum conditions for agile

Richard Hilsley
Feb 21 '24
We all know that change is difficult, particularly when it involves people. When
changing ways of working, to become more agile, it’s especially important that we take people with us