Peter Verster
Peter Verster

Peter Verster is author of “AI for Business” and Founder of Northell Partners, a data and AI solutions consultancy in the UK. With over 20 years of experience in strategically applying data and AI to real-world problems, Peter’s direct, pragmatic and hands-on style has earned him the respect of leaders in some of the world’s largest organisations.

With solid academic foundations earned at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Peter enables businesses to engage with more customers, optimise operations and transform their products and services. Born and bred in South Africa, Peter now lives in Cheshire, England, with his wife and two daughters. He loves golf and thrives at the intersection of technology and business.

Building effective data infrastructure

Building effective data infrastructure: the foundation of AI

Peter Verster
Apr 22 '24
Data infrastructure – the foundation of AI – refers to the methods, means and mechanisms involved with data, including collection and integration, storage and management as well as processing and analysis