Michelle Ovens
Michelle Ovens
Michelle Ovens CBE is founder of Small Business Britain, the UK’s leading champion of UK small businesses. Michelle is also director of Small Business Saturday, a campaign to support, inspire and promote small businesses, on the day and beyond.
What small businesses want from the next Government

What small businesses want from the next Government

Michelle Ovens
Jul 1 '24
It is imperative that the next Government puts small businesses at the heart of its strategy for the country, with policies that enable them to drive growth for the UK
Helping microbusinesses to have full opportunity to grow

Helping microbusinesses to have full opportunity to grow

Michelle Ovens
May 10 '24
In all the time I’ve worked with small businesses sole traders and microbusinesses have always stood out as being particularly ripe for growth
UK recession impacts small business confidence

UK recession impacts small business confidence – but we can still inspire optimism for 2024

Michelle Ovens
Mar 13 '24
Last month, we officially learned that the UK entered recession in the latter quarter of 2023—so far hopefully a mild recession, but one that small businesses certainly have felt the effects of
Small businesses needs our activism

Small businesses needs our activism

Michelle Ovens
Jan 19 '24
This winter, another extremely difficult one for small businesses, a much-needed ray of light was shone through the Small Business Saturday campaign as entrepreneurs navigated the end of the year
People will remain at the heart of small businesses–even as AI adoption grows

People will remain at the heart of small businesses—even as AI adoption grows

Michelle Ovens
Nov 16 '23
There is no denying that AI is one of the most important developments to impact the world of business in the last decade
Removing barriers to growth in entrepreneurship

Removing barriers to growth in entrepreneurship

Michelle Ovens
Oct 9 '23
Over the course of the last decade, I have worked with and been witness to hundreds of thousands of businesses, and one thing I can say for sure: it is a rewarding journey, but also bumpy, challenging, and often overwhelming too
How do small businesses feel about the future

How do small businesses feel about the future?

Michelle Ovens
Sep 26 '23
Small businesses are powering through another demanding year. The cost-of-living crisis accompanying the rise of inflation, particularly increases in the cost of goods, services, and energy, are just a few examples of the obstacles thrown at small firms
Stories of small business resilience and success

Stories of small business resilience and success

Michelle Ovens
Jul 31 '23
One of my favourite times of years is when Small Business Britain hosts the Small Awards. An event that shines a spotlight on the incredible achievements of the smallest and greatest firms in the UK
How we can ‘Level Up’ entrepreneurship for disabled founders

How we can ‘Level Up’ entrepreneurship for disabled founders

Michelle Ovens
Jun 16 '23
There is an abundance of entrepreneurial skill and ambition amongst disabled entrepreneurs, who tend to over-index on problem solving, creativity and innovation, as all small businesses do
How do small businesses move forward?

How do small businesses move forward?

Michelle Ovens
May 16 '23
The nation’s small firms are at a tipping point. Coming out of a difficult winter, and heading into a spring that on one-hand offers hope and optimism, but also has many challenges on the horizon.
How businesses can come together to manage costs 

How businesses can come together to manage costs 

Michelle Ovens
Apr 7 '23
It remains tough out there for small businesses. With inflation rates increasing again last month, and the subsidised Government support for high energy bills changing recently
Walking the talk: it’s time to break free and reach out for inspiration

Walking the talk: it’s time to break free and reach out for inspiration

Michelle Ovens
Mar 23 '23
Small businesses are facing more challenges than ever, with costs going up across the board, supply chain issues, talent shortages, and consumers also spending less.