Michelle Bisset
Michelle Bisset
Michelle is VP, Small Business, Sage UKI. Her experience and expertise spans business transformation, global leadership, sales, and customer engagement. Prior to joining Sage, she spent 15 years at Oracle, holding various leadership roles in license management and customer success. She holds an Honours Degree in Business Science from the University of Cape Town.
Pandemic inspires wantrepreneurs to pursue dreams with confidence

Pandemic inspires wantrepreneurs to pursue dreams with confidence

Michelle Bisset
May 6 '21
Business owners feel more fulfilled – according to new research from Sage.
From dream to reality; how to take your side hustle full time

From dream to reality; how to take your side hustle full time

Michelle Bisset
Jan 6 '21
2020 has been a turbulent year for business. For some it’s forced tricky career re-evaluation, but for others it’s been the spark they needed, motivating spirited entrepreneurs to start a new business, or take their side hustles full time.