Melissa Snover
Melissa Snover

Melissa Snover is an award-winning entrepreneur and visionary in the world of food technology and 3D printing. She is passionate about developing innovations which offer solutions to her customers, challenge her competitors, and disrupt current market offerings. She is currently the founder and CEO of Rem3dy Health which pioneers personalised solutions across preventative and curative health under the brands Nourished (Personalised Nutrition) and Scripted (Personalised Medicine).

Improving the visibility of female entrepreneurs

Improving the visibility of female entrepreneurs

Melissa Snover
Jul 12 '24
It might sound like a statistic from a bygone era, but currently, only 18% of SMEs in the UK are led by women, according to government figures. While this is disappointing, there are also reasons for optimism
Innovating in a £30bn market – how to cut through in a competitive landscape

Innovating in a £30bn market – how to cut through in a competitive landscape

Melissa Snover
Aug 16 '23
As a founder specialising in consumer facing products, the pressure to keep up with market trends and to retain consumer attention is ever-present.
How to strike effective partnerships: the benefits of partnering with others

How to strike effective partnerships: the benefits of partnering with others

Melissa Snover
Mar 2 '23
Over the last 12 months here at Nourished, we’ve crafted a number of strategic partnerships with market-leading conglomerates.
What I’ve learnt about raising funds as a female business leader

What I’ve learnt about raising funds as a female business leader

Melissa Snover
Dec 15 '22
The UK has an issue with equal access to finance. Female-led companies (where more than half the directors are female) make up just 16.8% of all UK companies.