Laura Weaving
Laura Weaving
Laura Weaving is the founder and CEO of Newcastle-based company Duo Global Consulting. She is a culture change, behavioural and people expert. Laura also leads Duo to help organisations understand their people’s behaviour at a deeper level and offer culture driven initiatives which provide a sustainable solution to recruitment and retention. This has enabled growth of over £100M for Duo’s clients.
Three reasons your leadership development program is failing

Three reasons your leadership development program is failing

Laura Weaving
Jun 7 '24
71% of organisations reported that their leaders are not ready to lead their organisations into the future
Why businesses are spending more than ever on workplace culture, yet productivity is at an all time low

Why businesses are spending more than ever on workplace culture, yet productivity is at an all time low

Laura Weaving
Feb 8 '24
As reported by Future Market Insights, $63.6B is spent every year to create higher performing workplaces, yet businesses still lose $8.8T a year in lost productivity.
Three types of meetings that will make your business more efficient

Three types of meetings that will make your business more efficient

Laura Weaving
Jan 10 '24
According to The Times, people in the UK spend over 23 days per year in meetings, and according to studies by The Independent, 13 days of these meetings are completely unproductive
Why your L&D budget should be focused on unconscious vs conscious training to drive behavioural change

Why your L&D budget should be focused on unconscious vs conscious training to drive behavioural change

Laura Weaving
Aug 10 '23
Delivering training that results in demonstrable, impact heavy change, is few and far between
Four little words that have a huge impact

Four little words that have a huge impact

Laura Weaving
Jul 31 '23
The impact of your words is huge. In fact, it is so big that it could even be one of the main reasons a business leader succeeds or fails
The two reasons your team are underperforming and what to do about it

The two reasons your team are underperforming and what to do about it

Laura Weaving
Jun 23 '23
Diagnosing reasons behind team underperformance can feel overwhelming and is cited by managers as one of the most challenging elements of their job. 
Navigating change: Three types of people you'll encounter

Navigating change: Three types of people you’ll encounter

Laura Weaving
May 23 '23
The reason change often fails is that it comes from the standpoint of assuming that change can be managed simply by changing structural or strategic aspects of the business, and that people will get on board with the change. 
Forget personality. Why managing behaviour is the key to a high performing workplace.

Forget personality. Why managing behaviour is the key to a high performing workplace.

Laura Weaving
Apr 12 '23
Over the years, personality assessments have been the go to for organisations to learn more about their people.