Laura Ashley-Timms
Laura Ashley-Timms

Laura Ashley-Timms is the COO of performance consultancy Notion and co-creator of the multi-award-winning STAR® Manager development programme. She helps leaders and managers at FTSE and Fortune 500 companies – including Sainsbury’s, BT and Avon – transform their management approach to increase staff engagement, productivity, performance and retention. Laura is recognised as one of the UK’s top executive coaches and as one of 40 Outstanding Global Women. She is the co-author of The Answer is a Question.

Is your team’s quiet quitting your fault

Is your team’s quiet quitting your fault? What managers can do to turn around disengaged employees

Laura Ashley-Timms
Sep 25 '23
‘Quiet Quitting’ is not a new workplace issue, yet businesses are still struggling to move the needle on employees who are psychologically disengaged at work