Kim Antoniou
Kim Antoniou
A focused leader, inventor and visionary, with a passion for technology, she turns real life experiences into meaningful and successful businesses. Kim brings the right people together creating successful and engaged teams.
Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Power of ADHD

Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Power of ADHD: Redefining Leadership and Innovation

Kim Antoniou
Apr 24 '24
It was quite a moment when I realised that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was a significant part of my life story. It was like connecting the dots, seeing how it intertwined with the narratives of legends like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and Walt Disney
Importance of rest and recovery to prevent burnout

Importance of rest and recovery to prevent burnout

Kim Antoniou
Oct 31 '23
As I sit on the peaceful white clay terrace, looking out at the immense Mediterranean Sea, a sense of calm washes over me
Dyslexia in the workplace

Dyslexia in the workplace, stigma or superpower! 

Kim Antoniou
Aug 24 '23
Dyslexia, often considered a learning disorder, can come with strengths and is associated with success in business and entrepreneurship.
Working from home is here to stay

Working from home is here to stay

Kim Antoniou
Apr 14 '22
Kim Antoniou is now embracing a working culture she once believed had little relevance in the cut and thrust of the business world.
In celebration of today’s younger minds

In celebration of today’s younger minds

Kim Antoniou
Mar 5 '22
Why business needs women

Why business needs women

Kim Antoniou
Jan 26 '22
Becoming a ‘grown-up’ business owner

Becoming a ‘grown-up’ business owner

Kim Antoniou
Nov 18 '21
Kim Antoniou discusses the importance of using ‘top inspirational leaders’ to turn your company into an international success story.
Natasha’s Law Forces greater allergen transparency across the Food Industry

Natasha’s Law Forces greater allergen transparency across the Food Industry

Kim Antoniou
Oct 11 '21
Don’t you think it’s monumentally sad that a 15 year old child had to die to force some long overdue changes in the law around responsible allergen information on pre-packed food
Things I wish I’d known before going into business

Things I wish I’d known before going into business

Kim Antoniou
Sep 14 '21
Winston Churchill is reported to have said, Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. I really wish I had better understood this earlier on in my own business journey.
Business needs to worry about literacy

Business needs to worry about literacy

Kim Antoniou
Jul 9 '21
The Covid pandemic has hit children’s literacy hard. Why should businesses care?