Julie Firth
Julie Firth
Julie Firth is co-founder of STORY22, Europe’s only StoryBrand-certified marketing agency. STORY22 helps businesses and non-profits across all sectors to save time and money with story-based marketing and messaging that cuts through the noise and helps engage customers faster. Julie is a former Press Association journalist, now focused on delivering strategic marketing, messaging workshops and copywriting services to SMEs around the world.
What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

Julie Firth
Jul 4 '24
Many businesses make the fundamental mistake of making their ‘About Us’ page about, well, themselves. Sound counter-intuitive? Not when you consider how important this website page can be
Six quick ways to improve your website

Six quick ways to improve your website

Julie Firth
Jun 5 '24
Your website should be your highest performing member of your sales team – but how many businesses pay it the attention it deserves?
How to write a useful mission statement

How to write a useful mission statement

Julie Firth
May 7 '24
We’re regularly told that a clear, powerful mission statement is vital for your business. It serves as a rallying point for an organisation, and it inspires team members to buy into and achieve your goals
Storytelling in business

Storytelling in business: how to get it right – and the mistakes to avoid

Julie Firth
Apr 5 '24
Storytelling in business is in vogue these days. And it’s no wonder – finally, business leaders and marketers have cottoned on to what journalists and ad giants have said for years