John Courtney
John Courtney

John Courtney is the founder of He has started 7 of his own businesses and has been highly ranked on the Top 100 Entrepreneurs List collated by City AM. John was three times shortlisted for Best Mentor/Advisor and also presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by techSPARK.

Top benefits of hiring an ESG consultant

Top benefits of hiring an ESG consultant

John Courtney
Jul 23 '24
In today’s business landscape, organisations are recognising the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in their operations
Benefits of fractional C-suite – are they worth the investment?

Benefits of fractional C-suite – are they worth the investment?

John Courtney
Apr 26 '24
The concept of fractional C-suite executives is gaining significant traction. Part-time FDs have been a popular option for decades but appointing part-time at the most senior level for other specialisms has been much less common…. until now! But are they worth the investment?
Six tips from a strategy consultant to run a successful business

Six tips from a strategy consultant to run a successful business

John Courtney
Oct 4 '23
It’s been said that 90% of businesses fail. While this vague statement may be technically true – a vast majority of businesses fail at a certain point – it doesn’t give us an accurate picture
Five types of sales reports that enhance your sales performance

Five types of sales reports that enhance your sales performance

John Courtney
Sep 22 '23
Whether you have a well-established business or are still in the early stages, sales are vital for keeping the lights on and ensuring continued growth. Of course, keeping sales up can be easier said than done
Five benefits of gratitude for entrepreneurs

Five benefits of gratitude for entrepreneurs

John Courtney
Aug 3 '23
From a young age, we’re taught to say “thank you” when someone does something nice for us.
Reasons why accurate SEO forecasting is crucial for your business

Reasons why accurate SEO forecasting is crucial for your business

John Courtney
Jul 28 '23
John Courtney of Boardroom Advisors discusses one of the most ‘invaluable tools’ used in today’s data-driven, online world
Why your financials can be make or break in your investment pitch

Why your financials can be make or break in your investment pitch

John Courtney
May 18 '23
Investors, not unfairly, largely care about money, when it comes to your business. And with good reason.
Three top customer research tips that will impress investors

Three top customer research tips that will impress investors

John Courtney
Apr 27 '23
A business without customers is nothing. We all know that, especially investors.
How the strength of your leadership team can help raise more money

How the strength of your leadership team can help raise more money

John Courtney
Mar 27 '23
Your leadership team is crucial to the success of your business. One aspect I’d point out in particular is achieving funding. 
Why knowing your markets is essential to securing investment

Why knowing your markets is essential to securing investment

John Courtney
Aug 24 '22
When preparing your investment pitch, you need to keep your focus on your main aim.
Pitching for investment?

Pitching for investment?

John Courtney
Aug 10 '22
John Courtney of Boardroom Advisors explains the importance of knowing your market when attempting to attract investors.
Taking the ‘Innovator’ route

Taking the ‘Innovator’ route

John Courtney
Jun 24 '22
John Courtney of Boardroom Advisors outlines the requirements for those applying for an Innovator Visa from the UK Government.