Elena Sinel
Elena Sinel
Elena Sinel is an internationally recognised social entrepreneur and award-winning founder of Teens in AI. Committed to catalysing change through technology, she empowers youth aged 12 to 18 to tackle real-world issues. Driven by a profound passion for AI and its potential to generate lasting positive impact, she launched Teens in AI at the United Nations’ AI for Good Global Summit to promote diversity and inclusion within the AI industry.
Scarlett Johansson's case and the gender bias in Technology

AI ethics on trial: Scarlett Johansson’s case and the gender bias in Technology

Elena Sinel
Jun 17 '24
Imagine a world where your voice, your image, and your identity can be used without your consent
Innovate or stagnate

Innovate or stagnate: The critical need for AI skills in the UK workforce

Elena Sinel
Apr 30 '24
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, the UK’s educational system is at a pivotal moment