Dr Jonathan Lord
Dr Jonathan Lord
Dr Jonathan Lord is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Employment Law at the University of Salford Business School.
Dr Lord previously worked as a HR Director, Manager and Consultant across a range of sectors, including the transport and construction industries, while also having experience carrying out HR projects within the public and voluntary sectors.
In addition, he is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, as well as a Member of the British Academy of Management and Industrial Law Society. 
His specialist research area focuses on labour law, particularly how this is governed as well as how the protection of workers has developed through history. He has also extensively researched employment tribunals and their importance within the employment relationship. 
How Cadburys led the way in Employee welfare

A world of pure industrial relations

Dr Jonathan Lord
Apr 9 '24
How Cadbury, founded in 1824 by John Cadbury in Birmingham, led the way in Employee welfare
The return of Employment Tribunals

The return of Employment Tribunals: Good for business?

Dr Jonathan Lord
Mar 18 '24
The UK government is proposing to reintroduce fees for employment tribunal claims
How can organisations cure a toxic workplace culture?

How can organisations cure a toxic workplace culture?

Dr Jonathan Lord
Dec 13 '23
Toxic workplace culture has been a prominent feature in the news recently
How businesses can help prevent male suicide

How businesses can help prevent male suicide

Dr Jonathan Lord
Nov 10 '23
According to the World Health Organisation over 700,000 people take their own life each year
The ‘lazy girl job’ trend

The ‘lazy girl job’ trend and why businesses don’t need to be afraid of it

Dr Jonathan Lord
Oct 6 '23
The term ‘lazy girl job’ can be attributed to a Tik Tok influencer named Gabrielle Judge who defined it as a low stress, fully remote job with little oversight and a good salary offering financial freedom
How redundancies can be delivered

How redundancies can be delivered in a fair and compassionate way

Dr Jonathan Lord
Sep 4 '23
The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK economy has been extremely damaging with organisations still grappling with high inflation and record cost of living
How mindfulness can develop better leaders and happier employees

How mindfulness can develop better leaders and happier employees

Dr Jonathan Lord
Aug 8 '23
Over the last 30 years, mindfulness has become more and more popular due to its ability of bringing a certain quality of attention to moment-by-moment experience
Why diversity programmes fail: how can businesses solve this problem through inclusivity?

Why diversity programmes fail: how can businesses solve this problem through inclusivity?

Dr Jonathan Lord
Jul 18 '23
Diversity is possibly one of the biggest priorities for businesses of the last six decades, alongside quality, leadership and ethics.
What next for Employment Law in the UK

What’s next for Employment Law in the UK?

Dr Jonathan Lord
Jun 7 '23
Despite the United Kingdom officially leaving the European Union on the 31 January 2020, there was a transition period that ended on 31 December 2020 whereby EU laws and regulations still applied in the UK.
The Worker Protection Bill: what is it and will employers have to employ ‘banter bouncers’?

The Worker Protection Bill: what is it and will employers have to employ ‘banter bouncers’?

Dr Jonathan Lord
May 3 '23
Despite discrimination legislation being in place for over 50 years, harassment in the workplace still remains a prominent issue
Are returnships the answer to the current skills shortage? What are they and why are they popular?

Are returnships the answer to the current skills shortage? What are they and why are they popular?

Dr Jonathan Lord
Apr 4 '23
Businesses have noticed a huge change in labour trends over the last couple of years with the ‘Great Resignation’ and Great Reshuffle
Why are half a million workers on strike

Why are half a million workers on strike..

Dr Jonathan Lord
Feb 13 '23
… and what is the impact of the industrial strike action currently sweeping the UK?