Douglas Grant
Douglas Grant
Douglas Grant has over 30 years' experience working in finance, initially with Scottish Power, before moving to the industrial sector to work with ICI and then Allenwest. Prior to joining Manx Financial Group PLC, he was finance director of various UK and Isle of Man private sector companies and has extensive capital markets experience. He is a professionally qualified banker with an executive MBA.
Government backed permanent scheme bringing traditional and alternative lenders together could guarantee the future of UK SMEs

Government backed permanent scheme bringing traditional and alternative lenders together could guarantee the future of UK SMEs

Douglas Grant
Oct 27 '22
High inflation is the number one biggest challenge for SMEs. As this prompts fears that many could face their own cost of living crisis, Douglas Grant, Manx Financial Group’s CEO, says a permanent government scheme is needed for SMEs to survive.
Save SMEs now with a government-backed permanent loan scheme

Save SMEs now with a government-backed permanent loan scheme

Douglas Grant
Jun 15 '22
As inflation continues to rise and GDP growth begins to slow, Douglas Grant, Manx Financial Group’s CEO, says it is time for the government to step in and introduce a permanent loan scheme to support SMEs.