Chris Griffiths
Chris Griffiths

Chris Griffiths is a bestselling author and the founder and CEO of OpenGenius, a company focused on transforming thinking, creativity and learning through cutting-edge tools powered by Artificial Intelligence. 

Going into the office but still stuck on Teams?

Going into the office but still stuck on Teams? How to make the hybrid office work smarter

Chris Griffiths
Mar 1 '23
Going into the office but still stuck on Teams? How to make the hybrid office work smarter
Why taking brain breaks is important for creativity

Why taking brain breaks is important for creativity

Chris Griffiths
May 18 '20
Your brain is like any other muscle in your body – it needs to take rests in order for it to be able to perform to its full potential.
The importance of praise when working remotely

The importance of praise when working remotely

Chris Griffiths
May 4 '20
It goes without saying that no matter our personal circumstances, everyone is going through a tough time right now.
How to create a positive workplace (Blue Monday)

How to create a positive workplace (Blue Monday)

Chris Griffiths
Jan 6 '20
The decorations have been put in storage, there’s an empty space in your living room where your Christmas tree sat proudly just a short while ago …
Robots taking our jobs?  Why automation will provide fulfilling and creative job prospects for humans

Robots taking our jobs? Why automation will provide fulfilling and creative job prospects for humans

Chris Griffiths
Dec 1 '19
The robots are coming. Now there’s a phrase that gets the blood pumping. From The Terminator to I, Robot, it’s hardly surprising that this prospect is a daunting one.