Chris Combemale
Chris Combemale
Chris has over 40 years of data-driven marketing experience in Europe, the USA and Asia/Pacific including senior executive roles at agencies, brands and marketing technology companies. In addition to his commercial leadership, Chris has taken a leading role representing the industry on key areas such as reforming the UK and Europe’s data protection legislation, as well as championing greater diversity and inclusion across the industry. His industry roles include being Co-Chair of FEDMA, Chair of the JIC Mail board, and has a seat on the boards of the Advertising Association and Asbof. During the most recent phase of UK data protection reforms, Chris chaired the Business Advisory Group which provided valuable input to the Secretary of State and Department for Science, Innovation and Technology DSIT (formerly DCMS) officials.
What do the new data protection reforms mean for businesses and their customers?

What do the new data protection reforms mean for businesses and their customers?

Chris Combemale
Mar 23 '23
The UK Government has just announced significant revisions to UK data protection legislation which they now intend to submit to parliament – via the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI) Bill.