Top benefits of hiring an ESG consultant

Top benefits of hiring an ESG consultant

John Courtney
Jul 23 '24
In today’s business landscape, organisations are recognising the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in their operations
Gender equality at work: Job done?

Gender equality at work: Job done?

Vilma Scarpino
Jul 22 '24
New study reveals men and women have different perceptions of workplace gender equality
Female remote workers outperform male counterparts

Female remote workers outperform male counterparts

Sarah Austin
Jul 18 '24
Women are leading the charge as successful remote workers, surpassing men in both productivity and overall satisfaction with remote work arrangements, according to a new survey
Navigating the UK economic landscape for sustained success

Empowering SMEs: Navigating the UK economic landscape for sustained success

Sinead McHale
Jul 18 '24
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are at the heart of the UK economy, contributing significantly to local employment and revenue across a wide array of sectors. However, the current economic landscape and consistently high inflation are still hugely inhibiting them from reaching their full potential
The magic of converting services into products

The magic of converting services into products

Michael K Krajewski
Jul 17 '24
If you would like to scale your business in a controlled manner, then converting services into products is a must
Five big challenges facing UK accountants

Five big challenges facing UK accountants in the next 12 months

Phil Hobden
Jul 16 '24
As we blast past the halfway point of 2024, it’s clear much has changed for the wider accounting profession in the UK
Why don’t we make anything anymore

Why don’t we make anything anymore?

Nick Dormon
Jul 15 '24
The western world built its economy on manufacturing during the industrial revolution and the east followed suit in the 20th century. It was tangible, tactile, satisfying
Women entrepreneurs revolutionising Scotland’s economy

Women entrepreneurs revolutionising Scotland’s economy

Angela De Souza
Jul 12 '24
Women are significantly changing the economic landscape of Scotland, with organisations like Women’s Enterprise Scotland (WES) and the Women’s Business Club playing pivotal roles in this transformation
Improving the visibility of female entrepreneurs

Improving the visibility of female entrepreneurs

Melissa Snover
Jul 12 '24
It might sound like a statistic from a bygone era, but currently, only 18% of SMEs in the UK are led by women, according to government figures. While this is disappointing, there are also reasons for optimism
Even successful business owners can suffer from imposter syndrome

Even successful business owners can suffer from imposter syndrome

Judith Germain
Jul 11 '24
In this article Judith Germain addresses the ‘dirty secret’ of some of the most successful Business Owners. They have Imposter Syndrome, and it is driving anxiety and fear of success. Discover how to recognise Imposter Syndrome and the steps to take to resolve it
Global market trends in venture-backed businesses

Global market trends in venture-backed businesses

Dax Grant
Jul 10 '24
Key trends and regional differences that influence venture-backed business growth in the UK, Europe, the US, and the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region
The future of work is like a doughnut

The future of work is like a doughnut

Charlie Rogers
Jul 9 '24
Not the jam-in-the-centre kind we’re accustomed to from the local supermarket. But, more the pink hole-in-the-middle sort from across the pond