What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

Many businesses make the fundamental mistake of making their ‘About Us’ page about, well, themselves. Sound counter-intuitive? Not when you consider how important this website page can be

What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

A website ‘about us’ page often becomes a dumping ground for everything you know should be there somewhere, but you didn’t quite know where to put it. But when you consider the critical role your About page plays in converting customers and attracting top talent, this is not one to overlook lightly.  

In our experience we’ve seen from our clients’ websites that the About page can be one of the most-read pages after the home page –  So it has to pull its weight, or you risk visitors switching off and bouncing to your competitors website. This is a page people read to confirm decision-making – where they look for reassurance they’re in the right place and can trust you. 

But if the About page of your website isn’t about you, then who else is it meant to be about?  

Engaging Visitors on Every Page 

Every page of your website should engage your visitors 

So how do we make sure our copy piques interest and convinces visitors we’re right for them, when talking about ourselves? 

First, remember your About page is more than just the opportunity to introduce team members, office pooches and which junction of the M1 you are near. The secret to writing an effective About page is in making sure it is relevant to visitors – and not used as a self-congratulatory platform only your loved ones will appreciate. 

Knowing what to write on your About page starts with asking ‘Why?’ 

Consider this. You visit two furniture stores: 

  • In the first, the assistant starts talking about how good the shop is and how exceptional he is as an assistant. He then spends five minutes talking about the history of the store, set up by the owner’s grandfather 95 years ago and how on Fridays they have free lunch for their team. 
  • In the second, the assistant greets you warmly, empathises with the problems people face with mass manufactured throwaway furniture. Then he explains how they solve this by constructing solid furniture with carefully selected high-quality materials. And that they invest heavily in training their team to create durable handcraft pieces. The result? Customers receive timeless, reliable furniture that stands the test of time. Which approach will interest you long enough to take a look at the furniture itself?  

The Power of Storytelling 

Our brains are hard-wired to prevent us from burning calories processing information that doesn’t help us survive or thrive. So when we see information that’s focused on you and of no benefit to our own interests, we switch off. At STORY22, we use a highly effective storytelling framework to overcome this.  

Ask ‘Why?’ Before You Write 

Before compiling your About page, ask yourself ‘Why?’. 

  • Why do people visiting my site need to know this? 
  • How is this information going to help them? 

By focusing on these questions, you ensure that every piece of information on your About page is relevant and valuable to your visitors. This way, you engage their interest and encourage them to learn more about what you offer. 

Making your About Us page work for you 

When your About page clearly addresses your visitors’ needs and shows how you can help them, it becomes a powerful tool for building trust and driving engagement. Use storytelling to craft a narrative that resonates with your audience, highlighting their problems and presenting your business as the solution. This approach not only makes your About page more engaging but also positions your brand as empathetic and customer-focused. 

What every About page should include 

  1. First, lead with empathy – acknowledge and show you understand the problem your customer faces. 
  2. Solve the problem – position your purpose as the solution to that problem. Lean into your mission statement if you have one. 
  3. Demonstrate your competence – unpack HOW you’ve been solving that problem (For the past XX years in business, we’ve helped XX number of people to Y) 
  4. Introduce the back story – humanise this with the founder / owner story as it relates to customer’s success. E.g. They had a problem like yours, so they set up the business to overcome that. 
  5. Explain your commitment – e.g. how you invest in training/uphold quality/provide outstanding customer service. Think core values here, but instead of just listing these, show why they matter and how they play out in a tangible way that’s meaningful to your audience. 
  6. Detail your process – give context to how the way you do things makes you different. 
  7. Set the success – make it is easy to see how you help people achieve the success they’re looking for, e.g. through client case studies and employee testimonials. 
  8. Call to action – don’t forget to prompt people to take the next step. 

Of course you can include awards, achievements, certifications etc, but do this subtly and visually or you’ll tip the balance between the page being of interest to the reader or all about you. Follow these 8 simple steps to reframe your content to ensure it is relevant and stays customer-focused. In short, make your About page interesting. 

Julie Firth
Julie Firth

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