SMEs can unlock the true power of digital with 5G standalone  

The advent of 5G technology has been a game-changer for industries worldwide, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are no exception

The advent of 5G technology has been a game-changer for industries worldwide, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are no exception.

The advent of 5G technology has been a game-changer for industries worldwide, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are no exception.

While the initial buzz around 5G was largely about faster mobile internet speeds, its true potential lies in its standalone (SA) version.

Unlike non-standalone (NSA) 5G, which is built on existing 4G infrastructure, 5G SA is a pure, end-to-end 5G network offering unprecedented opportunities for SMEs to innovate, compete, and grow.

The appetite to upgrade

Earlier this year, a Vodafone Business report found that SMEs in the UK are unable to benefit from total productivity savings of up to £8.6bn a year due to the slow roll-out of 5G SA. We did however find that there is an immediate appetite from businesses to start investing in the advanced capabilities of 5G, with:

  • 86% suggesting the rollout of 5G SA is either important or extremely important.
  • 44% believed lower latency would help drive business growth.
  • 83% planned to slightly or significantly increase 5G investments once advanced capabilities were available.
  • 46% believe 5G SA would offer them a competitive advantage within three years by enabling better innovation.

Key benefits of 5G standalone for SMEs 

What are some of the ways in which 5G SA can help SMEs optimise their efficiency, boost productivity and inspire innovation and growth?

Enhanced operational efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of 5G Standalone is its ultra-low latency. This near-real-time communication enables SMEs to optimise their operations in ways that were previously impossible.

For instance, in manufacturing, 5G SA can support real-time monitoring and automation of production lines, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. Similarly, in logistics, the ability to track and manage inventory in real time can lead to better and efficient supply chain management, reducing waste and improving delivery times. 

Scalability of IoT solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a growing trend for SMEs, but its potential has been limited by the capabilities of existing networks. 5G SA enables SMEs to deploy large-scale IoT networks with thousands of connected devices communicating seamlessly.

Edge computing and AI integration

5G SA enables edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the source of data generation rather than in a centralised data centre, crucial for SMEs looking to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in their operations.

For example, in retail, AI-powered analytics can provide real-time insights into customer behaviours, enabling more personalised marketing strategies. In manufacturing, predictive maintenance powered by AI can foresee equipment failures before they happen, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The combination of 5G SA and edge computing makes these AI applications more accessible and affordable for SMEs. 

Improved customer experience

For many SMEs, customer experience is the differentiating factor in a competitive market. 5G SA offers the bandwidth and speed which is crucial to delivering rich, immersive experiences that can truly set your business apart.

Whether it’s through augmented reality (AR) for product demonstrations, virtual reality (VR) for training, or high-definition video streaming for customer support, 5G SA enables SMEs to engage with their customers in new and innovative ways, helping to enhance customer satisfaction and drive brand loyalty in the process. 

Competitive advantage through innovation

Far from just being about improving existing processes— 5G SA enables entirely new business models. SMEs that are quick to adopt, will be able to innovate faster and more effectively than their competitors.

For instance, in the media industry, SMEs are leveraging 5G SA to deliver live content with minimal latency, offering new opportunities for content creation and distribution. In healthcare, SMEs are developing telemedicine solutions that provide remote diagnostics and treatment with the reliability and speed necessary for critical care. 

Challenges and considerations

While the benefits of 5G SA are clear, there are several challenges SMEs will need to consider to fully capitalise on this technology.

The initial investment in 5G SA infrastructure can be significant, and there may be a learning curve associated with integrating the technology into existing operations. However, I believe these challenges are far outweighed by the long-term benefits and opportunities 5G SA affords.

To ensure that full benefits are realised, SMEs should consider partnering with technology providers and consultants to help them navigate their transition to 5G SA and maximise their return on investment. 

SMEs must prepare themselves for a future powered by 5G standalone

The introduction of 5G Standalone represents a pivotal moment for SMEs across various industries and sectors. By embracing 5G Standalone, SMEs not only improve their chances of boosting their operational efficiency and customer experience but can also position themselves as leaders in innovation within their markets.

As the global business landscape becomes increasingly digital, SMEs who leverage the full potential of 5G SA will be better equipped to compete and thrive in the years to come. The future is not just about faster internet— it’s about smarter, more connected businesses, and for SMEs, there’s never been a more crucial moment to begin exploring the possibilities of 5G SA. 

Claire Harris
Claire Harris

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