How to keep customers engaged

Winning new customers is often the holy grail for businesses - we spend money and time trying to achieve this and when we do, hurrah!

How to keep customers engaged

Winning new customers is often the holy grail for businesses – we spend money and time trying to achieve this and when we do, hurrah! But, then what? Customer retention is even more important; after all that work demonstrating why someone should buy our product, how do we keep them coming back time and again?

At Just Spices, over many years, we have done just that. We have built a loyal customer base in each of our markets – we value each and every customer and work hard to ensure that they feel a part of the Just Spices brand. Engaging with customers is an ongoing process and for us it means focussing on a number of different areas e.g. Social Media, Customer Care, After-Sale Surveys, Tastings.

Social media:

The beauty of being able to instantly reach out to your audience is something that should be maximised, but also done strategically and with due care. Just Spices has a community of more than 1.4 million people that follow us on a number of social media channels all over Europe. We take time to really get to know our customers and explore their habits. We share fresh, new and exciting recipes; food inspiration and food education topics to give our followers interesting content in their daily lives. And what’s most important: We regularly engage with them and ensure our exchanges are speedy to answer all questions and stay connected.


Making customers a part of the development process is another means of engagement, their views are hugely important to us. Before we put a spice blend on the market, we first create tasting groups with some of our customers. They try the sample products and then share their feedback. After that we adapt the blends as needed. 

After-sale surveys:

The opinion of our customers is really important for us, because in the end they are the ones that cook with our spice blends in their kitchens. After every launch we send an after-sale survey to the customers and ask for their feedback. After that we decide if the blend is interesting for the trade and maybe adjust some things if there is significant feedback. This is core to the success of our business – we know that there is a demand and love for each and every product we sell.

Béla Seebach
Béla Seebach

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