Your handling of personal data sucks – or at least 42% of Brits think so

Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal many Brits are distrustful of Facebook and other social media, according to the7stars

Your handling of personal data sucks – or at least 42% of Brits think so

If you’ve opened Facebook or any other social media platform recently, you’ve no doubt been assaulted by the tech titans’ updated privacy alerts. This is hardly surprising given the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) snapped into action in May and the Cambridge Analytica scandal is still ongoing. However, these displays of transparency haven’t charmed many Brits. 

A survey of 1,000 Britons by the7stars, the media agency, revealed 37% think Facebook couldn’t care less about its users. Moreover, 28% now exercise greater caution when posting to social media – rising to 34% among those aged 55 and above.

Regardless, these fears have only been strong enough to push 9% to remove online content. Additionally, just 14% see the Cambridge Analytica scandal as the beginning of the end for social media.

But the distrust isn’t isolated to the Zuck’s company. In fact, 42% believe companies in general manage personal data irresponsibly and 44% think the government should monitor tech giants more. Of the people surveyed, 24% believe businesses are responsible for how personal data is handled, not users. 

Commenting on the findings, Frances Revel, insight director as the7stars, said: “The negativity that has been swirling around social media’s use of our personal data since the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke is clearly impacting on Brits’ decisions to use and rely upon these platforms. On top of that, trust among users is currently low and they are exercising greater caution in what they do and share.

“However, the situation hasn’t translated into a mass exodus of users. Social media is so ingrained in our lives that Brits are clearly reticent to fully extricate themselves. Facebook now faces the challenge of restoring that trust, particularly among older users and regaining its relevance and popularity among younger audiences.”

While the Cambridge Analytica scandal continues to taint Facebook’s reputation, it’s also clear business in general have their work cut out for them when it comes to making people trust them with their personal data. 

Angus Shaw
Angus Shaw

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