Why Google’s reported rollout of a cookie-blocking feature could hurt small firms

It may seem like Google Chrome’s rumoured new feature could help users avoid irritating ads but it could also give the tech giant an unfair advantage

Why Google’s reported rollout of a cookie-blocking feature could hurt small firms

Cookies help small businesses better target customers. However, at the same time internet users have voiced their irritation about being constantly assaulted by online advertisement. As a result of this relentless bombardment, many have installed ad blockers or taking other measures to keep companies from tracking their data. And now it may seem to some as if Alphabet is taking steps to make it easier to block cookies.

The tech titan is reportedly set to introduce the new dashboard-like feature to Google’s Chrome browser, according to the Wall Street Journal. Having spoken with sources familiar with the matter, the publication reported that the feature will enable users to better control over which websites can install cookies and track their data.

While the cookie blocker probably won’t stop the Mountain View company from collecting people’s data as it sees fit, the Wall Street Journal reports that the feature  could seriously make it harder for other businesses to track users. If true, this would give Alphabet a huge advantage over smaller firms. 

However, Google isn’t the only big business to introduce tech in this vein. On Monday May 6, Microsoft announced it would update its Microsoft Edge browser. As part of this update, it will introduce new privacy tools that enable users to better understand how data is being tracked and by whom. Microsoft made it clear this concept is still in the early days and that it will be listening to consumer feedback to improve it further. 

Following the Cambridge Analytica furore and multiple privacy scandals, it’s easy to see why there’s a shift towards beefing up users’ privacy protection – not to mention the fact that some online ads are just really irritating. Nevertheless, it’s sad if small companies’ ability to advertise their businesses is diminished as a result of it. 

Eric Johansson
Eric Johansson

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