Three ways to use video at events

It looks like events and trade shows are finally coming back, which is great news. However, it is important to have a strong online presence at in person events to spread your message to a wider global audience.

Three ways to use video at events

It looks like events and trade shows are finally coming back, which is great news. However, it is important to have a strong online presence at in person events to spread your message to a wider global audience.

One of the best ways to augment your in-person event is video. If you are an event organiser, exhibitor or even a delegate, here are three simple ways to use video at your event.

Firstly, highlight videos. Event organisers, visitors and delegates can all make highlight videos of events. You have probably seen event organiser highlight videos, a collection of testimonial sound bites combined with music and shots of the event. However, as an exhibitor you can also make a highlight video using testimonials from customers, shots from your stand and sound bites from your event staff. Even as a delegate you can create a video about your highlights of the event and new technology showcased at a trade show. These videos do not need to be professionally filmed. You can use a mobile phone. However it is worth investing in an external microphone, many of which can be found on Amazon. To edit your video, you use software such as iMovie, included with the Mac OS, or you can even edit videos automatically using software such as 

Number two is short testimonial videos. At events you not only speak to prospects, quite often you will also meet existing customers. This makes events the perfect place to capture short authentic testimonial videos to use on your website or post on social media during the event. Again, a short testimonial video can be filmed on a phone with minimal expense.

Finally, brief product demos or stand tours are a useful way to promote the fact you are exhibiting at a trade show. Rather than a full demo, aim to create enough intrigue for people to want to find out more.

Using video at your events is quick and easy to do and it is fantastic way to turn an in-person event into a digital marketing campaign for your business. 

Dan Gable
Dan Gable

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