Influencers VS Content creators

Influencers VS Content creators

Dan Gable
Jul 24 '24
The rise of the content creator over the traditional influencer is largely due to changes in social media algorithms that prioritize content quality over follower count
Bridging the gap: Reimagining AI in customer service

Bridging the gap: Reimagining AI in customer service

David Mason
Jul 5 '24
The rise of Generative AI (GenAI) has transformed various industries, including customer service, although there is still uncertainty among consumers about its impact
What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

What should I include in my ‘About us’ page?

Julie Firth
Jul 4 '24
Many businesses make the fundamental mistake of making their ‘About Us’ page about, well, themselves. Sound counter-intuitive? Not when you consider how important this website page can be
Why every entrepreneur should write a book

Why every entrepreneur should write a book

Sophie Milliken MBE
Jun 28 '24
Lots of entrepreneurs have authoring a book on their goal list, but what does it take to actually get published?
Why embracing delayed gratification might transform your sales strategy

Why embracing delayed gratification might transform your sales strategy: A guide for SMEs

Simon Squibb
Jun 25 '24
This isn’t about putting off success; it’s about setting the stage for greater, more sustainable victories
Coastal towns thriving as microbusiness hubs, new data reveals

Coastal towns thriving as microbusiness hubs, new data reveals

Andrew Gradon
Jun 20 '24
Coastal towns including Felixstowe, Bournemouth, Sidmouth, and Bexhill-on-Sea are at the heart of a UK microbusiness boom, new data from GoDaddy has revealed
The Power of partnerships

The Power of partnerships

Andreas Adamides
Jun 18 '24
Forming the right partnerships could lead to rapid growth without the need for substantial financial investment
Say ‘hello’ to Sora the next generation creation from OpenAI

Say ‘hello’ to Sora the next generation creation from OpenAI

Dan Gable
Jun 7 '24
This latest invention says Dan Gable, has the power to revolutionise, simplify and therefore democratise video production
Six quick ways to improve your website

Six quick ways to improve your website

Julie Firth
Jun 5 '24
Your website should be your highest performing member of your sales team – but how many businesses pay it the attention it deserves?
Ten ways to build your personal brand

Ten ways to build your personal brand

Dan Gable
May 29 '24
By cultivating an authentic image and providing valuable insights, you can create loyal followings that support your initiatives
Speaking: A powerful branding tool

Speaking: A powerful branding tool

Sophie Milliken MBE
May 23 '24
Speaking opportunities give you the undivided attention of your desired audience. They provide an opportunity dedicated to sharing your knowledge and experience, whilst giving you a moment in the spotlight at an industry event
Unlock entrepreneurial success through personalised engagement

Unlock entrepreneurial success through personalised engagement

Andrew Gradon
May 17 '24
How to identify customer needs and create a personalised experience