Why your team is the key to your business success

Having the right team in your business is crucial. After all, you likely spend more time with your employees than with your family

Why your team is the key to your business success 

Creating a positive, energetic, and enthusiastic work environment depends largely on the people around you. Yet, when it comes to recruiting, it often feels as random as flipping a coin. 

Think back to the last time you bought a new electronic device like a phone, laptop, or camera. How much research did you do? You probably read reviews, compared specs, watched unboxing videos, and maybe even asked a friend for advice. All that effort makes sense for a big purchase. 

But when it comes to hiring employees, how much time do you spend? Too often, we wait until we’re desperate, someone quits, we part ways with an employee, or a surge in work demands more hands-on deck. Under this pressure, we rush the process, lowering our standards just to fill the gap. We end up hiring the best of the available applicants, not the best fit for the role. Even if our gut tells us, it’s not the right choice, we convince ourselves otherwise, trying to see “good” qualities just to justify our decision. 

Now, let’s look at this from a financial perspective. Suppose the electronic device you researched costs £3,000—a significant expense that justifies thorough research. But consider this: an entry-level employee costs about the same every month! Imagine if you had to spend £3,000 every month on a purchase—how much research would you do then? 

It’s easy to spend hours researching a one-time purchase, but when it comes to hiring someone who will cost 12 times more every year, we often rush through the process. And the cost of a bad hire? It’s not just financial. A poor hire impacts your entire business—affecting team morale, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, your bottom line. Worse, a bad hire can drive away your best employees and loyal customers. Can you really afford to hire under pressure? 

Here’s a simple test: Ask yourself, “Knowing what I know now, would I eagerly re-hire this employee?” If you hesitate, it’s a sign that you might have made a poor hire—and you need to act fast. 

On the other hand, a great employee can propel your business forward. They’ll help attract more customers, retain top talent, and foster a positive company culture. Imagine having a team that shares your values, builds a strong team spirit, and makes coming to work enjoyable. That’s the kind of environment that leads to better performance and higher profitability. 

So, how can you dedicate more time to recruitment when you’re already busy running a business? 

The answer is simple: you need more time. 

How do you create this? 

By building a Stand Back Business. A stand-back business allows you to continue and propel your growth. 

This means stepping away from daily operations and building a business that doesn’t rely on your constant micromanagement. Doing this allows you to focus on strategic activities that truly grow your business—like hiring a team of A-players. 

I know the hiring process can feel overwhelming so I’m giving you my exact hiring process to download. If you’re ready to create a robust recruitment process and build a team that drives success, you can download it here.

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