Why business leaders should embrace workations this summer 

Amidst a significant shift in how we perceive work and leisure, ‘workations’ - blending remote work with vacation - is becoming increasingly popular among professionals worldwide.

Why business leaders should embrace workations this summer 

For business leaders, particularly during the summer, embracing workations can be a game-changer. 

Although being in a new location can present challenges, such as maintaining productivity with added distractions or adjusting to different time zones, the benefits outweigh these drawbacks. Stimulating new ideas, providing a new change of scenery and ultimately leading to professional and personal growth, workations offer the perfect opportunity to break away from mundane routines, fostering a healthier relationship with work and overall wellbeing. 

Here I will be delving into 3 benefits of taking a workation this summer, highlighting the positive impact they have on business leaders wanting to strengthen their professional and personal growth.

Boosts creativity and innovation 

For some entrepreneurs, the traditional office setup with its rigid routines and predictable environments can be challenging. While repeatedly staying in the same routine day in, day out can reduce anxiety and provide a sense of control, it can also stifle creative thinking and innovation. The lack of variety can lead to mental stagnation, making it harder to generate fresh ideas and innovative solutions. 

For leaders wanting to boost this, workations are a brilliant strategy to introduce. By breaking up regular routines and the linearity of normal everyday life, and offering a form of escapism, workations allow individuals to step away from the usual work environment, inspiring fresh ideas, and enabling them to approach tasks with renewed energy and from a new perspective. 

In addition, the new settings and experiences of a workation can catalyze individuals towards fresh perspectives and different ways of thinking, helping to fuel their creativity. 

Positive impact on mental health 

As a business leader, you are required to not only maintain your own mental health, but to also keep a watchful eye for your employees’ as well, often resulting in increased pressure and responsibility. Introducing workations can significantly boost leaders’ mental health, just by providing a much-needed break from the traditional work environment. The combination of work and holiday allows leaders to enjoy a change in scenery whilst still feeling connected to work goals and responsibilities, something that can help break the cycle of stress and burnout they might encounter in a high-pressure, multi-responsibility role.

Although a change in location doesn’t remove the responsibility of looking after employees’ wellbeing, it can promote personal growth and a broader perspective. This shift benefits leaders’ mental health and at the same time places them in a better position to offer supportive leadership to their teams. Being able to offer their employees fresh perspectives on familiar challenges may in turn also increase their motivation and engagement. 

However, workations can easily blur the lines between work and personal time and the highly driven may sometimes find it difficult to manage boundaries and therefore fully disconnect and recharge – a vital part of wellbeing and performance sustainability. Nonetheless, the flexibility of taking a workation allows leaders to balance their work-life approach effectively. They can spend quality time with family, engage in leisure activities and explore new places, all while staying productive.

Expands networking opportunities 

Whilst networking in a traditional office environment can be achieved, interactions are often limited to familiar colleagues and routine business contacts. Workations, in contrast, provide the perfect opportunity to expand one’s network, just by being in a different location. 

By working in a popular travel destination, leaders can connect with local entrepreneurs, attend industry events and participate in coworking spaces. Not only do they encourage individuals to step outside what is comfortable and familiar and learn about new cultures, they can also be an integral part of helping them and their teams to move towards professional and personal goals. 

Despite the challenges workations may pose, the benefits of enhanced creativity, a positive boost in mental health and expanded networking opportunities make them a viable option for entrepreneurs. By integrating work with leisure, business leaders are able to move forward with renewed energy and fresh perspectives helping to strengthen relationships with employees and workplace goals.

Lesley Cooper
Lesley Cooper

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