When it’s time to work on the business and not in it: Insights drawn from maverick leadership

Understanding when to transition from working in your business to working on it is crucial for sustained growth and innovation

When it’s time to work on the business and not in it

It can be easy to forget when you are a business owner that you are also a leader that needs to be able to switch easily from making a series of tactical adjustments that are designed to grow the company, and having a strategic mindset focused on transformation. Here are the key things to consider when making that transition:

The signs of stagnation

When you are running your business, it can become comforting to have several repetitive daily tasks than consume your time, so that you feel that you are making progress. However, this can mean that you are actively ignoring the need for strategic thinking and innovation. 

As the leader of your organisation, I believe you should constantly challenge the status quo and look for opportunities to innovate and grow. This avoids your business hitting a plateau and consistent firefighting rather than growth.

A future-proof mindset

Maverick Leadership principles requires leaders to embrace a mindset that sees change as an opportunity rather than something to fear or avoid. Future-proofing your leadership means when you need to adapt, innovate, and lead through uncertainty you quickly realise that cultivating a growth mindset is a must. Continuous learning and taking a proactive approach to how the business environment is changing, ensures that your business remains relevant and competitive.

Strategic thinking and pattern recognition

Business Owners need to develop the ability to recognise patterns and anticipate future trends rather than doggedly following what worked in the past, anticipating success. A forward-thinking approach that sees you keeping up to date with what’s happening in your industry and marketplace, utilises your own strategic analysis and gathered data, helps position your business for long term success.

Delegate and empower your team

The biggest thing stopping Business Owners from working on their business is a reluctance to delegate operational responsibilities to their team. When you decide to empower them to take ownership and make decisions you free up your own time for strategic planning and fosters a culture of accountability and growth within your team.

Strategic vision and alignment

Having a well communicated, clear strategic vision makes it easier to align your team to a common goal. It is important that everyone understand their own role in achieving the business vision. Once you have strategic alignment (open communication and collaboration helps) it becomes easier to build a cohesive and motivated team that wants to drive the business forward.

Lifelong learning and adaptability

When running a thriving organisation, business owners understand that their success is often due to their commitment to continuous learning and adaptability to changing variables. Therefore, the need to constantly seek new knowledge and skills, stay on top of emerging trends and technologies is obvious. The ability to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing business landscape becomes easier when the Business Owner is committed to personal and professional growth.

Mentorship and external insights

I feel that as a Business Mentor it would be remiss of me to ignore highlighting how external input can be fundamental in refining your leadership approach, strategy, and innovation! External Mentors challenge your existing thinking, offer guidance on strategic decision making and provide a valuable perspective.

To navigate and thrive in a rapidly changing business environment, requires strategic thinking and adaptability, and trust in your employees’ ability to take ownership in the delivery of operational tasks. Effective transition from working in your business to working on it, ensures sustainable growth and success.

Judith Germain
Judith Germain

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