Unlock the power of emotional intelligence: The hidden driver of SME success

How much power does emotional intelligence have in business? It may be seen as a buzzword these days and whilst it’s not a new concept, its value in business and the power it holds has transformed

Unlock the power of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is pivotal in shaping a leader’s ability to create a positive workplace culture, which is instrumental in driving the productivity and overall performance of their team. Defined as the capability to comprehend, control, and influence one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, emotional intelligence is a cornerstone of effective leadership. Put simply, a leader who lacks emotional intelligence may face issues in achieving their team’s full potential. 

So, how do we strive for emotional intelligence? At its core, Emotional Intelligence is about the synergy of four critical skills:


The ability to recognise and understand your own emotions, and how they impact thoughts and behaviour.


The ability to control and manage your own emotions, especially in challenging situations.

Social awareness

The ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others, including body language.

Relationship management

The ability to communicate effectively, build positive relationships, and manage conflicts with others.

These skills are not just fluff; they’re tangible competencies that can be honed to unlock profound benefits both personally and professionally.

Why should UK SMEs care? Because the ripple effect of Emotional Intelligence in leadership is vast:

Improved communication

Leaders with emotional intelligence excel in active listening, feedback delivery, and constructive criticism.

Better decision making

A leader in control of their emotions can make more considered decisions, taking into account the feelings and perspectives of others.

Increased employee retention

When staff feel understood and valued, they’re more likely to commit long-term to an organisation.

Enhanced organisational culture

Emotionally Intelligent leaders cultivate workplaces where empathy, collaboration, and respect are standard, leading to higher morale and productivity.

The impact of this can lead to more effective teamwork, higher employee engagement, higher job satisfaction and overall performance. But that’s not all, you’ll also see a positive working environment and employee loyalty.

How can you make Emotional Intelligence a leadership priority?

The call to action is clear…

  1. Incorporate emotional intelligence into your leadership training.
  2. Embed emotional intelligence into your recruitment processes.

By prioritising emotional intelligence in your leadership development and recruitment processes, you’ll reaps dividends in employee wellbeing, career success, and relationship dynamics, creating an environment where both people and profits thrive.

Louise Kennedy
Louise Kennedy

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