Shell has been talking to commercial fleet owners and industry executives about transport’s future.

As governments and businesses strive to reduce carbon emissions, the subject has aroused a tremendous amount of interest in recent times.

Shell has been talking to commercial fleet owners and industry executives about transport’s future.

As governments and businesses strive to reduce carbon emissions, the subject has aroused a tremendous amount of interest in recent times. 

According to Shell, the options for fleets are to:

  • Avoid emissions by switching to zero-carbon alternatives such as electric vehicles (EVs), or fuel-cell vehicles that use green hydrogen; 
  • Reduce emissions by transitioning to low-carbon fuels (e.g. natural gas, biomass), transitioning to hybrid vehicles, or changing how their vehicles are used (i.e. fleet optimisation); or to
  • Offset fleet emissions by participating in schemes that result in reduced or captured emissions elsewhere.

Each business will have the opportunity to have its own unique journey to decarbonisation, which
is good for the planet and future generations, but a problem for SMEs that put off modernisation for too long. 

To learn more, Shell sought the perspectives of over 150 fleet executives and experts, representing 125 organisations across 12 markets, in a collaborative study with Deloitte. 

The study concluded that light-duty fleet owners feel increasing pressure to decarbonise. In addition, EVs are an increasingly competitive solution and the only way to hit net-zero emissions. 

However, many fleet owners find decarbonisation overwhelming, and face organisational and market barriers on their journey. 

If you’re an SME executive, you may be wondering how to proceed – in which case, the answer may lie with Shell Fleet Solutions. 

For years now, Shell has been preparing for this extraordinary transition and has developed the infrastructure and payment methods to guide you through it smoothly. 

Tangible examples of change, such as innovative new fuel types and the many thousands of EV charging locations springing up across the country, are only part of the story. 

If you digitise your fleet with the help of Shell fuel cards, you won’t just be starting a decarbonisation journey. You’ll be saving money and boosting your company’s efficiency into the bargain. 

The benefits of using Shell Fleet App – available to SMEs with up to 10 cars or vans – include savings on fuel costs and less time spent on administration. 

The same applies to Shell Fleet Hub, for companies with up to 30 cars or vans. You take control of your outgoings and achieve useful data insights along the way. 

In the pages that follow, we’ll look at why decarbonisation is vital, how SMEs can play their part in achieving it and the business benefits of doing so. We hope you’ll come along for the ride. 

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